HCMN News – October 26, 2006
- “In the Spotlight” – HIV Positive Voices
- MSH meeting on pharmaceutical management of TB
- New Resource for ART
- Healthcare Information For All 2015 Discussion Group launched
- Call for Papers for Conference in 2007
- Study on how youth use media
- Welcome to HCMN!
1. In the Spotlight: HIV Positive Voices video documentary: HIV Positive Voices shows the devastating effect of what it is like to live with HIV and cope with the social stigma, rigorous treatment regimen and related health problems. It also shows that it is possible to live a productive and positive life even if you are HIV positive. The film is accompanied by a discussion guide that helps viewers understand and process the various aspects of the film. Each of the four people profiled in this Emmy Award winning documentary represents a different mode of HIV transmission. They have courageously chosen to speak out about their HIV status, and become positive voices for awareness, compassion and prevention. Go to https://m-mc.org/spotlight/usa_hivpositive/index.php for more information.
2. Management Sciences for Health’s Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus (RPM plus) program in collaboration with the Stop TB’s Global TB Drug Facility (GDF): day-long workshop at the 37th Union World Conference on Lung Disease in Paris, France. Building capacity in pharmaceutical management for TB, MDR-TB and TB-HIV. Date: Wednesday, 1 November 2006 from 8:30am – 17:00pm. Venue: Le Palais des Congres de Paris, Room 362/363. This workshop is open to all interested participants. For more information, contact
3. New Resource for ART: Community engagement for antiretroviral treatment – Trainers’ manual: from the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. This manual is designed for participatory training on comprehensive support for ART, targeted primarily at NGO and CBO staff and volunteers. It aims to inform and prepare them to support and have meaningful and increased involvement in uptake, delivery and support of HIV testing, prevention and ARV treatment programmes. It contains tools, activities and information and uses non-technical language, enabling trainees to use their knowledge to inform and support others in their communities. You can download a PDF of this manual (3.7Mb) from the Alliance website at: http://www.aidsalliance.org/sw31860.asp or contact Garry Robson at or go to the Alliance website at www.aidsalliance.org
4. Healthcare Information for All By 2015 Discussion group launched: HIFA2015 is a new global email discussion group with an ambitious but achievable goal: 'By 2015, every person worldwide will have access to an informed healthcare provider'. The group will provide a neutral discussion space for all those with an interest in the creation, exchange and use of relevant, practical healthcare information for family carers, primary health workers, and district-level healthcare providers in developing and transitional countries. It will complement the existing CHILD2015 group (www.dgroups.org/groups/child2015), which focuses on the information and learning needs of those responsible for the healthcare of children. HIFA2015 will be the principal communication tool for the global campaign, 'Healthcare Information For All by 2015', which launches formally in Mombasa, Kenya, on 26th October 2006, at the 10th Congress of the Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa. HIFA2015 is open to anyone with an interest in improving healthcare in developing countries and membership is free. Join today by sending an email to with your name, organization, and a brief description of your professional interests. To post a message to the group, email
5. Call for papers for conference in 2007: SETTING AN ETHICAL AGENDA FOR HEALTH PROMOTION, 18-20 September 2007, Ghent, Belgium. The promotion of health, both as a methodology and as a policy, has always been partly an ethical project. The past few decades the policy makers' attention has not only been attracted by data regarding morbidity and mortality, but just as much by health inequalities. Therefore, reducing health disparities and assuring people the right to the highest attainable standard of health is nowadays considered as an absolute priority by local, national and supranational institutions. Despite these ethical motivations the domain of health promotion practice is littered with ethical pitfalls: victim blaming, paternalism, healthism, imposing a conception of 'the good life', coercion, the use of marketing strategies, lack of consent, etc. This conference intends to bring together scholars from both the fields of ethics and health promotion in order to identify and to examine the ethical issues that are at stake within the context of health promotion. Deadline for abstract submission: March 1, 2007. For more information visit www.healthpromotionethics.eu/
6. Study on how youth use media: UNESCO releases study on innovative media use of youth: Go to http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=22831&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html for this article: Young people, working with a range of media materials, produce innovative content through dialogue and discussions says a recent UNESCO study. On the basis of case studies in Ghana, Haiti, India, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Somalia, South Africa, Vietnam, and Zambia, the study examines how youth get involved with an assortment of media including newspaper and magazine, radio, television and video, the Internet, and personal digital assistants.
7. Welcome to HCMN! Here is a selection of the newest members of HCMN
Mayank Murari
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CARE India works on maternal and child health and HIV-AIDS problems related to Jharkhand state and in India. My main thrust area of work in communication and advocacy on these issues while associating with print as well as electronic media.
Sharad Agarwal
Communications Officer
World Health Organisation
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I am currently working as the Communications Officer of the Dept of Nutrition at the WHO. However, I have worked on Communications/ advocacy on HIV/AIDS issues in the past at UNAIDS and the BBC World Service Trust. I also hold a broad interest in Development and Communication, including the debates on Behaviour Change/ Social Change.
Dr. Rinku Srivastava
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SIFPSA is USAID funded organization, working in field of RCH from last 10 years . So far SIFPSA has worked in 40 district of U.P. SIFPSA has become one of the most important partners assisting the GOUP in achieving its health and demographic objectives. SIFPSA has also stressed on the importance of forging partnerships. In private sector ,SIFPSA has worked with private voluntary organization, milk cooperatives, the corporate sector besides trapping rural network in form of traditional birth attendant and indigenous system of medicinal practitioners. Multimedia campaigns on reproductive health etc. I am a State trainer for Infection prevention, RTI/STI/HIV/AIDs, Emergency Obstetric care and new born care training,
Dibyebndu Sarkar
Government of Wset Bengal, India
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I worked with UNICEF as a Consultant for last three years. My specialization was behaviour change communication for child survival. Polio eradication, promoting routine immunization and under three childcare activities, especially household care of children are some of the areas that I worked in. I have now come back to the State Government job and am associated with preparation of the State and District Human Development Reports.
Wuraola Caleb
Epid&Community Health.University of Ilorin
Ilorin-Kwara State
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I am a Public Health practitioner, and am currently carrying out an evaluation of Artemisinin-based combination therapy for the treatment of malaria among health workers in Nigeria. Also have interest in HIV/AIDS control in Africa.
Kwang Lee
Creative Director
Creative Eye
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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We're an advertising agency based in Tanzania that would like to focus our services to Social Marketing organizations.
Awwal Nasir Imam
Project director
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Agency for communication and development programs (ACDP) is a non-governmental organization that specializes in strategic behavioral change communication. We have over six years experience in design and implementation of strategic mass communication health and social development campaigns.
Julius Richard Onyango
Behaviour change and Communication Officer
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I work as a BCC officer with the responsibility of developing and implementing behaviour change activities/materials for the AMREF-Kenya Busia Child Survival Project in order for the beneficiaries to change their behaviours and adopt desirable practices to improve both maternal and newborn health outcome.
Neil Pakenham-Walsh
Global Healthcare Information Network
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Coordinator of the Global Healthcare Information Network, a non-profit organization that supports the goal of ‘Healthcare Information For All by 2015’ (www.ghi-net.org/campaign). Special interest in the availability and use of relevant, reliable healthcare information in developing countries, especially at primary and district levels. He has worked as a medical officer in rural Ecuador and Peru, and in 2005 he worked alongside rural healthcare providers in South India to assess local priorities in access and use of health information.
Asia Nazir
Nursing Education Specialist
Ministry of Health Pakistan
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Nursing education unit is the part of Pakistan’s ministry of health. This unit is responsible to update knowledge and skills of nursing professional in different areas like education and services. We organize different types of workshops with the help of donor agencies to uplift the nursing profession in Pakistan. In these workshops nursing teachers and nursing leaders are trained to continue their work.
Wilson Ouma Ouko
Resource Centre Manager
Odyssey Arts Pioneers
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The organization is doing health education on Adolescent Reproductive health in schools and community. Our main target group are Youths aged 12 to 24 years in the slums of Kisumu. Along health education, we run LifeSkills trainings, HIV/AIDS acucation, Child counseling and Peer Education. for the last 2 years we have managed to reached 30.000 youths with AIDS related messages and adolescent reproductive health with the aim to promote abstinence and safer sexual behavior among youths.
Anna-Marie Ball
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HarvestPlus is promoting the breeding, growing and eating of bio-fortified staple foods by the rural poor as a way to combat the hidden hunger of micronutrient deficiency. Through conventional breeding, higher levels of beta-carotene, zinc and iron can be bred into the staple crops such as maize, wheat, beans, sweet potatoes etc. My work is with the rural poor - in introducing these bio-fortified foods in a way that they can accept. Behaviors change communication, nutrition training and creation of demand for these improved staple foods are the areas in which I focus.
Sunusi Usman Usman
Federal Medical Centre,Birnin Kudu
Birnin Kudu/Jigawa
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I am a Medical Doctor and currently working with Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology in the above hospital. I also have a special interest on improving maternal and child health services in developing countries. I am presently doing a project on "Comparative Studies of practices of Child Survival Strategies between Rural and Urban Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at Federal Medical Centre Birnin Kudu, Jigawa State, Nigeria".I also want to undertake a study on Immunization coverage, why it is low in rural areas of Northern Nigeria.
Nguyen To Tran
IEC-BCC officer
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UNICEF works with countries to realize children's rights. UNICEF WES programme in Vietnam has been established since 1982 to support children's right to have safe water and clean environmental sanitation. The programme has directly contributed to achieve the MDGs1, 4, and 7 in Vietnam. Information, Education and Communication (IEC, together with Behaviour change communication (IEC-BCC) has been an important component of the programme. Through different communication channels, IEC-BCC activities in Vietnam has demonstrated to be effective in disseminating the key water and sanitation message and initiate the behaviour changes in safe water usage and good hygiene practices.
Victoria Francis
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Med
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I am a health communication specialist working with a range of international organizations. I combine skills in education, health, social research, art and publishing. I am also the Editor of The Community Eye Health Journal which is sent free to over 15,000 health workers in developing countries. It is an educational publication aimed at synthesizing new knowledge and best practice and communicating it in a user-friendly way. The publisher is the International Centre for Eye Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Lubna Khan
Project Manager, Community Radio
BBC World Service Trust
New Delhi
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The BBC World Service Trust is the international charity wing of the BBC. It operates in more than forty countries around the world, seeking to use the media to achieve social and development goals. The Trust in India has for the past five years undertaken one of the most ambitious and successful projects anywhere in the world using the broadcast media to promote HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention. Recently BBCWST launched “Aangan ke paar” (or “Beyond the courtyard”), a new weekly radio programme focusing on the issues related to women’s empowerment and health. I am project manager for this programme.
I am a health psychologist specializing in behavior change communications promoting health and empowerment.
Alicia Antayhua
Program Associate
Save the Children
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The Saving Newborn Lives program, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is a global initiative of Save the Children working with governments, communities, and partners to improve the health and survival of newborns in developing countries.