HCMN News – December 5, 2006
- In the Spotlight: Speaking Books
- Tool for Sharing Internal Best Practices
- Where the Heart Listens
- Generic Condom Campaign
- Need Images for Your Publications
- Welcome to HCMN!
1. “In the Spotlight” – SPEAKING BOOKS – SOUTH AFRICA – Visit https://m-mc.org/spotlight/southafrica_speakingbooks/index.php for a version of this Spotlight in HTML format)
Low literacy levels in Africa are part-and-parcel of everyday life, and seriously reduce the effectiveness of health care literature. In association with the South African Depression and Anxiety Group, Books of Hope has designed and produced interactive, multilingual Speaking Books that can be seen, read, heard and understood regardless of someone's reading ability.
Each Speaking Book consists of 16 pages of culturally appropriate illustrations supported by straightforward and easy to understand text in a variety of languages. Every page has a corresponding push button that triggers a sound track read by a well-known local personality. So whatever a reader's level of literacy, the information will be clearly understood. Topics include HIV and AIDS, TB, Malaria, Suicide Prevention and Diabetes. Speaking Books are distributed to rural and disadvantaged communities worldwide. Visit the web site for Book of Hope at: www.booksofhope.com
2. New INFO Publication - A Tool for Sharing Internal Best Practices - http://www.infoforhealth.org/practices/InternalBPs/index.shtml , PDF: http://www.infoforhealth.org/Sharing_Local_BPs.pdf
The INFO Project at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs is pleased to announce the publication of A Tool for Sharing Internal Best Practices. This tool, developed by the INFO Project, includes a step-by-step process, tips, case studies and links to additional resources that explain how an organization can more effectively share its own best practices internally.
3. WHERE THE HEART LISTENS - A HANDBOOK FOR PARENTS and their allies IN A GLOBAL SOCIETY, submitted by Eve Sullivan, http://www.parentsforum.org/book/index.html.
4. Generic Condom Campaign Below are links to an outstanding generic condom promotion campaign. We believe it's a refreshing approach not seen in years in the condom category. Feel free to rate it.
lawyer ad -
coolie ad -
police ad -
5. Need Images for your publications? Here are two great resources:
- Photoshare: www.photoshare.org: a service of The INFO Project helping international non-profits communicate health and development issues through photography. We welcome you to browse the Photoshare collection, request images for non-profit educational use, and learn more about development photography. Our online photo database currently contains more than 10,000 cataloged images shared by colleagues around the world for documentary use.
- Teaching Aids at Low Cost: Teaching aids At Low Cost (TALC) www.talcuk.org slides/images and Strategies For Hope Series (SFH) videos to picture HIV/AIDS to the picturate communities in Zambia, Botswana and the UK, since 1989. TALC has a number of sets of slides accompanied by books. text including: Sexually transmitted infections (24 colour slides) 2. HIV/AIDS Virology and Transmission (24) 3. HIV/AIDS Clinical Manifestations (24) 4. HIV/AIDS Parent To Child Transmission (24)
6. Welcome to HCMN! Here is a selection of the newest members of HCMN
Henry Benny Tandau
Secretary General
Pharmaceutical Society of Tanzania
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The Pharmaceutical Society of Tanzania is providing health education to the public through a series of initiative in hospital and community pharmacies, these range from the use of TYV, radio leaflets, symposium, etc. targeting HIV / AIDS, malaria and other disease.
Collin Elias
Health Program Officer
American Red Cross
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American Red Cross is working with the Albanian Red Cross to implement a USAID-funded CS project, which also includes FP. We are using the IMCI and Community IMCI approach. We have volunteers that work with village nurse midwives in health promotion relating to CDD, ARI, strictly breast feeding, complementary feeding and Family planning.
Khola Iram, MD
German Technical Co-operation
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I am working on violence against women both for its prevention and providing relief to survivors of violence. We are dealing with this subject both through media and the politicians. We are working in shelter homes and sponsoring White Ribbon Campaign in Punjab the biggest province of Pakistan. We deal with all issues related to violence against women ranging from birth of a girl to her marriage, education, bearing children and facing violence at the hands of men in her family. Honour killing, discriminatory policies e.g. Haddod Ordinance etc. are all issues that we are focusing.
Anita Jasani
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We are working with Drug Abuse and Prevention. Also Addiction and HIV/AIDS
Cherylee Sherry, MPH, CHES
Project Coordinator
Hennepin County Medical Center
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HCMC is a public teaching hospital that provides outstanding health care services in an environment which promotes excellence in education and research. HCMC has a number of ambulatory/outpatient family practice clinics. We are considered a safety net hospital in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. I am a certified health education specialist and assist with a number of grant projects- asthma education, HIV, diabetes, etc.
Neeraj Upreti
Project Officer cum BCC Expert
Uttar Pradesh Project Support Unit
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Managing and Providing technical support to the Targeted Interventions in HIV/AIDS Control in state with the support of Uttar Pradesh State AIDS Control Society (UPSACS)
Dr. Jakes Rawlinson
Community Health
South Africa
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As there are just a few Community / Public Health professionals working in the Limpopo Province of SA (2nd poorest, mainly rural and underdeveloped we have to cover most public health related topics / service delivery / fire-fighting as and when it arise. It is also the only province which never had a academic / tertiary Complex, which is now slowly evolving as part of the University of Limpopo consisting of 3 geographically dislocated campuses. We try to maintain our focus amongst all these demands on TB, HIV/AIDS, IMCI and Health and Hygiene Promotion supporting the rollout of basic water and sanitations programs in the province.
Chuba Keshi
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We publish pharmascope: a journal on health and wellness. We interview health workers all over the world and usually welcome comments on issues. Our website: www.pharmascopeng.com
Bihita Bidhan Khisa
Executive Director
Hill Institute for Life & Livelihoods
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Hill Institute for Life & Livelihoods (HILL) is a voluntary development organization works towards improving quality of lives of the populations living in the CHT region of Bangladesh through integration of research into practice in the areas of Public Health, Education, democracy & social justice, and Poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihoods.
George Oben
Community Health Educator
This organisation carries out preventive and advocacy education in the rural communities of the SOUTH-WEST PROVINCE of CAMEROON. This is achieved via regular Radio programs, meetings, seminars etc
Population Services International
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Population Services International (PSI) is an INGO working over 60 countries in the world and 22 States and Union Territories throughout India on different human health issues like HIV/AIDS/STIs, maternal and child health, family planning and social marketing campaigns. I am working as a HIV/AIDS Helpline Manager since October 2003, at Operation Light House project at Kolkata, whose primary target groups are formal and informal port workers, truckers, sex workers and their clients and also general population.
Reena Mathai Luke
Head, Communications
Christian Medical Association of India
New Delhi -110058
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The Christian Medical Association is a hundred year-old NGO working with the poor and the marginalize to make healthcare accessible to all. The organisation is an apex body and has more than 330 hospitals under its umbrella and more than 7000 healthcare professionals as its members. We bring out eight regular publications and they are The Christian Medical Journal of India ( the oldest medical journal in this country), Life for All, Health Dialogue, Care Beyond Cure (Palliative Care), Addiction News, Rational Drugs and Clipboard (Hospital Management)
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I am a graduate of Mass Communication with a keen interest in health and development issues. I have since my assumption of duty in Life Vanguards, Osogbo as a Media and Publications Officer been exposed to and involved in advocacy, mobilization, research, evaluation, outreaches, trainings, and programme implementation in adolescent reproductive and sexual health, STIs/HIV&AIDS and development.
Jones Mpakateni
Regional BCC Advisor-
AED, MMIS-Injection Safety
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MMIS-Making Medical Injections Safer in various countries in Africa-1 west, 4 east and 1 southern Africa