HCMN News ? April 25, 2007
- What Can HCMN Do for You?
- In the Spotlight: African Transformation Video Profiles Kit
- The 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education
- The 48th International Conference on Health & Science Communications
- Setting Up Community Health Programmes
- Welcome to HCMN!
What Can HCMN Do for You?
HCMN now includes over 1,000 individuals working in the field of health communication. This provides a great opportunity to Connect, Ask, and Share. Write to us and we will post your query quickly –
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In the Spotlight: African Transformation Video Profiles Kit
African Transformation is a participatory tool that enables men and women to examine gender and social norms, including masculinity, and how they affect their well-being; to overcome gender barriers in their own life: and to work on eliminating harmful gender norms and supporting positive ones. This kit features nine video profiles of women, men, and couples from Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia who by their actions have become role models in their communities. Their stories feature the challenges they faced and overcame when dealing with issues ranging from traditional and cultural values and reproductive health to violence between partners, networking, and life skills. The video profiles are designed to be used along with the African Transformation Facilitator's Guide, but can also be used as a tool to promote dialogue between men and women. Other components of the kit are photos of the profiled subjects, audio profiles and written profiles. Excerpts of the nine profiles may be viewed here: https://m-mc.org/spotlight/african_transformation/index.php
The 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education
Health Promotion Comes of Age: Research, Policy & Practice for the 21st Century. June 10th -15th, 2007 Vancouver, BC Canada. Website: http://www.iuhpeconference.org/ . Conference Themes: Reducing Health Inequities, Assets for Health and Development, Enabling System Transformations, Assessing the Effectiveness of Health Promotion.
The 48th International Conference on Health & Science Communications
"Connecting the World" June 14-16, 2007, Toronto, Canada. Join The Health and Science Communications Association (HeSCA) and the Association of Biomedical Communications Directors (ABCD) – the premier associations representing communications professionals in health and sciences – for a truly unique conference in Toronto, Canada. You will learn about innovative developments in health, medical, and scientific communication that are Connecting the World. For more program/event details check out their website: www.hesca.org
Setting Up Community Health Programmes – New edition
Many who have been working at community level will know of Ted Lankester's book "Community Health Programmes" a new much enlarged, well illustrated, written in appropriate English is now out. Over 400 pages low cost edition for, further information contact or order though http://www.talcuk.org/books/setting-up-community-health-programmes-3rd-edition.htm
Welcome to HCMN!
Louise Moana Kolff
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
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I am currently doing postgraduate research on the dilemma of visualising taboos in HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns
Farah Amini
Public Outreach & Communications Coord.
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I am working at water, sanitation and hygiene project funded by USAID Indonesia. The communications works emphasizes the behavioral change aspect in hygiene. Further about us is on www.esp.or.id
Katherine Morrow
Communications Officer
Cree Board of Health and Social Services
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The public health department of the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay works on awareness and prevention among the Cree (indigenous group) of northern Quebec. This is the only aboriginal group in Canada that operates its own public health department, in cooperation with the province of Quebec. Priority themes include sexual health, contraception, diabetes, exercise, drugs and alcohol, and smoking.
Marta Schaaf
Advocacy Manager
World Lung Foundation
New York
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The Advocacy Manager at World Lung Foundation undertakes both global and country level advocacy. Global advocacy efforts endeavor to increase the human and financial resources available for promoting lung health. Country level advocacy entails cooperation with local counterparts to improve policies, ensure that policies are implemented, or provide technical assistance.
Abraham Vijay Kumar
Founder & President
Compassion Foundation
Hyderabad, India
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Various development activities including welfare programs for the poor and marginalized. HIV AIDS Centre and rehabilitation care.
Godwin Muhwezi Bonge
Monitor Publications Ltd
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Monitor publications Ltd is the publisher of Daily Monitor, local newspaper. Health is part of the newspaper editorial content.
Ketayoun Darvich-Kodjouri
Director of Communications
Washington, DC
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Kishore Kumar
Tata Steel
Jamshedpur, India
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Comprehensive community health care services for outreach underserved populations
Peter Kimotho
Institute of Commerce Management
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We educate the youth on abstinence and having safe sex. Our campaign is to prevent spread of the virus.
Maison Dominique
Environmental Health engineer
Ministry of Health
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Vector control, Health Waste Care management, Persistent Organic Pollutants, Biosecurity, Emerging disease, Disaster Preparedness
Umar Baba Kumo
Communication Specialist
Gombe State Action Commitee on HIV/AIDS
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Abhishek Jain
Technical Officer BCC
Family Health International
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Working with Family Health International in India as Technical Officer (Behavioural Change Communication. Family Health International (FHI) is implementing the Aastha (“To care about”) project in Mumbai and Thane districts of Maharashtra as part of the India AIDS Initiative (Avahan) of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project aims to reduce the incidence of HIV/STIs among sex workers (SWs) and their partners through Strategic Behavior Communication (SBC), condom provision and STI treatment services.
D Gnanasundaram
Prime Force Academy
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We focus mainly creating awareness on social and health issues through audio and visual media, documentaries, stage plays etc to the downtrodden