HCMN News – April 2008
What Can HCMN Do for You?
HCMN now includes over 1,200 individuals working in the field of health communication. This network provides a great opportunity to Connect, Ask, and Share. Write to us and we will post your query quickly –
Anyone out there working on…..
I am looking for someone to advise us on….
Does anyone have good materials on…
Can anyone share experience about…..
What does everyone think about….
I have a great new training manual…
I found a great website…
Here is my organization’s newest material...
Just write to .
Family Health International (FHI) is pleased to announce a new publication: Comparing Effectiveness of Family Planning Methods.
In order to make informed contraceptive choices, clients require an accurate understanding of pregnancy risks. As a result of an earlier USAID-supported study by FHI showing that a simplified counseling chart can improve women's understanding of contraceptive effectiveness better than more complex tools can, a panel composed of the World Health Organization, USAID, the INFO Project at JHU/CCP, EngenderHealth, FHI, and other experts drafted this simplified chart, which presents contraceptive methods on a continuum of effectiveness. The contraceptive effectiveness chart is available on the FHI website in English, Spanish, and French and also appears on the back of The Global Handbook for Family Planning Providers, published in 2007 by the WHO, USAID and the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, and was used in the 19th edition of Contraceptive Technology. To order a print copy of the chart (laminated, 8.5 x 11 in.), please send an email to .
World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) Video Contest
The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) announces the 1st World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) Video Contest! The Deadline for submissions is 30 April 2008, so hurry! Going with the WBW theme "Mother Support: Going for the Gold" WABA invites you to create a one-minute video that shows how breastfeeding mothers can be supported. The video can have sound and music and be in any language (with an accompanying English translation). Five winning videos will be awarded US$200.00 each.
Videos will be reviewed by a WABA panel of judges and displayed on the WBW website and may be uploaded on YouTube and shared with the breastfeeding community worldwide. For more information and to read about the Criteria and How to submit your video (available in English, Spanish and Chinese) go to: http://www.worldbreastfeedingweek.org/. Questions can be emailed to: Attention: Julianna, International WBW Coordinator
New Library for Rights-Free Global Health Video Footage
Do you know about this new video library that the Kaiser Family Foundation has just made available on GlobalHealthReporting.org, the Foundation’s website for the latest information and reporting resources on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria?
The new video library (http://globalhealthreporting.org/videolibrary.asp ) provides television reporters and filmmakers with AIDS-related, rights-free, cover footage of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, India and Latin America.
Currently, the library contains clip reels of footage contributed by Family Health International, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs and the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer on the Public Broadcasting System. They welcome you to contribute footage as well.
You may view the clip reels, which are organized by region and contain a variety of video sequences including doctors treating patients, AIDS drug manufacturing, AIDS counseling sessions, HIV prevention and awareness classes, blood tests and city and rural settings. The clip reels can be screened online and then ordered by journalists and filmmakers in a variety of formats.
The library will be updated periodically and expanded to include more regions and other global health conditions. If you would like to contribute footage, please send an email or you may contact me directly if you have any questions or would like more information.
For more information about GlobalHealthReporting.org, please visit the site, http://www.globalhealthreporting.org/about.asp .
Reporting Skills and Professional Writing Handbook (2nd Edition)
We'd just like to announce a new resource for development professionals that just might help you and your team turn out more effective progress and evaluation reports and save you time, stress and funds. The Reporting Skills and Professional Writing Handbook (2nd Edition) is a self-study programme based on the best of 10 years' experience working with INGOs, NGOs, GOs and IOs over hundreds of training courses. It's available on CDROM for convenient desktop study, and, for larger organisations, the Trainer Edition is supported by a complete Training Pack. Along with
the CD you get the entire programme as a free PDF Ebook.
There's a free download of the first module (Professional Writing and the Writing Process) at http://www.reportingskills.org (requires sign-up, but stick around and there's more to follow) or you can get all the info in one document at http://www.reportingskills.org/synopsis.pdf .
The first edition is already in use by a wide range of development organisations such as CARE, CGIAR, GTZ, UNEP and the World Food Programme. We're sure you'll find it worth your time to take a look.
DCERN Impact of Communication in Development Knowledge Portal: www.dcern.org
This is a project funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). They were asked to gather evidence on the role of communications in development, and to make this
readily available on the Internet. The evidence is presented in a way that appeals to policy makers from five different sectors identified by the project – agriculture, education, health, governance and growth.
Welcome to HCMN! – Please welcome the following new members
Chris & Joy Alfred Missioners, Cares Network International
Oshogbo, Osun State, Nigeria
Chris and Joy are training Cares Club Coordinators/Representatives in all the nine tertiary institutions in Osun state on HIV/AIDS preventions, cares and supports. They are also conducting Sensitization/Awareness Workshops, providing Free Quarterly HIV Counseling and Testing.
Dr. Bakare Lawal Kolawole Orientmedia, nigeria
Lagos, Nigeria
Lakeisha Johnson Health Educator III, NC Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Lakeisha works in Cancer Prevention and Control
Timon Choro Behaviour Change Communication Specialist, Marie Stopes Kenya
I am in charge of Behaviour change Communication programming in HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment Project
Michelle Betz Cairo, Egypt
I am a freelance journalist and media development expert based in Cairo, Egypt
Yasmin Hadi HLSP. London, UK
International health consultany especially with DFID (but also UN and other bilaterals) and especially on health systems, health financing, health management and M&E as well as technical themes like HIV and AIDS. Also have work in UK with Department of Health and NHS.
Pradyot Biswas Directorate of Drugs Control, Kolkata, India
Medicine regulation in terms of safety, efficacy and right price.
Review of cases of maternal mortality; monitoring and continuous follow-up of the maternal mortality surveillance system
Christy Feig Director, International Communications, American Red Cross, Washington D.C.
The American Red Cross works internationally to help communities prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. We also work to prevent diseases that affect large numbers of people such as measles, malaria and HIV.
Renee Charleston Consultant, Colfax, US
I work as a independent consultant for various NGO/PVOs, principally in USAID Child Survival and Title II projects, as well as privately funded health projects.
Amy Kay Senior Technical Advisor, Center for Development & Population Activities, Washington D.C.
Founded in 1975, the Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA) is an internationally recognized non-profit organization that improves the lives of women and girls in developing countries. Our approach is to work hand-in-hand with women leaders, local partners, and national and international organizations to give women the tools they need to improve their lives, families and communities. CEDPA's programs: increase educational opportunities for girls and youth; ensure access to lifesaving reproductive health and HIV/AIDS information and services; and strengthen women’s ability to become leaders in their communities and nations.
Sheree Trotman IEC Officer, OECS HIV/AIDS Project Unit (HAPU), Castries, Saint Lucia
The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) HIV/AIDS Project Unit (HAPU) is the implementation unit for the Global Fund To Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) with a focus on treatment and care as it relates to the fight against HIV/AIDS within its participating states. The Information, Education and Communications (IEC) component seeks to provide technical assistance to the countries as well as create awareness, advocate, document best practices, collect, maintain and disseminate strategic information on the work of the HAPU and its constituents. It also focuses on behavior change communications.
Shane Granger Director, Graphfix Ltd, Langkawi, Malaysia
For many years now we have been producing successful health materials for WHO and UNICEF as the founding production component of the CREATE team. We would like to bring our skills and experience to other programs. By using high quality materials programs become more effective. We combine production with capacity building in a novel well proven package guaranteed to get results.
Megan Inada Project Coordinator, Kokua Kalihi Valley Community Health Center, Honolulu, Hawaii
KKV provides many services including medical, behavioral health, maternal child health, elderly and youth services to the underserved Kalihi Valley Community. I am working on Adult and Youth tobacco prevention and cessation and also hope to start an art expression and physical activity program for our youth.
Emmanuel Rubagumya Managing Editor, OME Media Associates Ltd, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
OME Media Associates Ltd is a company that publish a health publication called Health Focus Magazine. I am editing and writing for this magazine that address wide ranging health issues. The magazine comes out after every three months.
Inamullah Ansari Addiction Rehabiitation Counsellor, Willing Ways, Karachi, Pakistan
Willing Ways deliver improved value to health care through the application of evidence, best practices, and innovations from many fields including health care improvement, disease management, behavioral medicine, and health psychology. Webdiary: http://addictions.psychcentral.net
Samuel Rajkumar Pilli Zonal Malaria Office, Hyderabad, A.P.,India
I am in charge for control of vector borne diseases in six districts around Hyderabad city, A.P. India. I work for the Government of Andhra Pradesh, India.
Raphael Eromosele Amiegbe Educate the Underprivileged Child, Benin City, Nigeria
HOPE FOR CHILDREN (HFC) is a non governmental organisation aimed at reaching out to children from poor background who does not have the privilege to go to school most especially in the rural area.
Kirstin Ozturk Performance & Business Development Dir. Sema Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
Pictorial communication aid for non-Turkish speakers
Sandraghassen S Pillai Documentalist, Mauritius Institute of Health, Pamplemousses, Mauritius
Nand Wadhwani Executive Director, Health Education to Villages, Cavelossim, Goa, India
The aim of Health Education to Villages [HETV] is to establish and promote health educational programs that will provide rapid and long-term capacity-building to improve health and quality of life, and will give mothers and communities more control over their health status. Health gains associated with safe drinking water can be achieved by providing people with simple, affordable technologies, such as chlorination, filtration, solar disinfection and improved storage in their homes.
Oliver Mupila President/CEO, Health Village International, Lusaka, Zambia
Work with and Older Persons and the children. Help to provide with text books and now about to set up a Rapid Diagnostic Test Center for malaria/HIV/AIDS in Zambia that will help to save the lives of many people.
Hadiza Babayaro Senior Program Officer, JHU/CCP Ku saurara Nigeria, Kano, Nigeria
Ku saurara! (listen up!) is an Adolescent Reproductive Health communication project, we use Entertainment Education to reach young people in Northern Nigeria with information and we link them to service sites through radio and other programs.
Dini Kartikawati Prihatini Information, Monitoring&Evaluation Manager
CARE International Indonesia, Banten/Tangerang, Indonesia
we concern about health in Banten Area. We promote BC on some health area (Nutrition, pregnancy care, TB and AI)and Hygine Sanitation.
Yusuf wakili Yola Senior News Reporter, Kano State Television ctv67 Kano Nigeria
As a Health correspondent I produce a special Reports on various topic concerning Health Matters. I need help and assistance with information to get the current situation in m country.
Mfon Idika Health Communication Limited, Abuja, Nigeria
Develop and manage a broad-based communications initiative that enhances the knowledge about core issues related to HIV/AIDS, family planning/reproductive health and child survival, including accurate information about relevant products and services as well as persuasive information to encourage and sustain healthy behaviors.
Ben Oshionameh Williams, Film director, Lenstrokes, Calabar, Nigeria
Heidi Harbach Communications Specialist
Cancer Information Service, Seattle, US
Cancer education and outreach
Mario Ernesto Bonillo Carranza Universidad Evangelica de el Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador
I am a teacher in the university in the clinic area with medical students.
Patrick Otim General Secretary, Ayer Youth for Future Development, Kampal Lira, Uganda
We are currently sensitizing fellow youth in Ayer Sub County, Kole County, Apac District, Uganda both in HIV/Aids and STIs.
Medicine & Healthcare Africa, Lagos Nigeria
shaik khaleel President, Healthy Living Society, Hyderabad, India
Interested in tobacco control, hiv awareness in the general population.
Mr. Jaydev Saral, Ahmedabad, India
I am working with Saral, an NGO working in the filed of HIV/AIDS for Training and Capacity Building. I have developed one 2D Animation Movie on Condom Promotion. I am also devloping posters, T-Shirt, logos and for our events and projects.
Good Reading:
Visualizing Information for Advocacy: for the designers among us, this 40+ page booklet gives suggesstions to NGOs for how to make their messages attractive and more compelling visually. If you are familiar with Hans Gosling or Edward Tufte, this is in the same vein as their work. Also has a nice bibliography. Download it here: http://www.tacticaltech.org/infodesign
Mythbusters Teaching Resource (January 2008). This comes from the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation and is designed to help researchers do a better job in showing the value of their work for informing policy and management decision making. It gives a step-by-step process to create better research summaries. (28 p.). Download it at http://www.chsrf.ca/mythbusters/teaching-resource.php.