HCMN Members Share Their Materials!
The Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) at the University of California San Francisco publishes HIV Prevention Fact Sheets, 2-page referenced summaries of specific topics chosen on the basis of timeliness, what the community needs to know and what scientific matters are of particular importance. The HIV Prevention Fact Sheets address the question of "what works"-- programs that have been found to be effective in reducing HIV infection or modifying HIV-risk related behavior. Each Fact Sheet emphasizes programs that have been scientifically evaluated and found effective, as well as aspects of programs that are lacking, and directions for future prevention efforts. All Fact Sheets are available in English and Spanish. www.caps.ucsf.edu/FSindex.html
How Do HIV, STD and Unintended Pregnancy Prevention Work Together?
- Is Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission Preventable?
- What Is the Role of the Family in HIV Prevention?
- How Do Parents and Children Talk About HIV?
- What Are Adolescents' HIV Prevention Needs?
- What Are Young Women's HIV Prevention Needs?
- What Are Heterosexual Men's HIV Prevention Needs?
- How Does Childhood Sexual Abuse Affect HIV Prevention?
- ¿Cómo trabajan: la prevención de las ETS, del VIH y de los embarazos no planeados?
- ¿Se puede prevenir la transmisión de madre a hijo del VIH?
- ¿Cuál es el papel de la familia en la prevención del VIH?
- ¿Cómo hablan padres e hijos sobre el VIH?
- ¿Qué necesitan los adolescentes en la prevención del VIH?
- ¿Qué necesitan las mujeres jóvenes para la prevención del VIH?
- ¿Qué necesita el hombre heterosexual en la prevención del VIH?
- ¿Cuál es el efecto del abuso sexual infantil en la prevención del VIH?
Submitted by HCMN Member Pamela DeCarlo,