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ID: PL PER 280
Country: Peru
Media Type: Pamphlet
Media Format: Comic Book
Title: [Condom]
Original Title: Condón o preservativo
Producers: Peru Ministry of Health|Johns Hopkins University Population Communication Services (JHU/PCS)|Instituto Peruano de Seguridad Social (IPSS)


Country: Puerto Rico
Media Type: Pamphlet
Media Format: Comic Book
Title: [The invincible defense]
Original Title: La defensa invencible
Producers: Children's Television Workshop


ID: PL KEN 248
Country: Kenya
Media Format: Pamphlet
Title: What makes a football star...Name: Vincent Kwarula. Club: Harambee Stars/Kenya Breweries FC. Age: 27 years. Like: Family planning & football. Dislikes: Unprotected sex and irresponsible behavior
Producers: Johns Hopkins University Population Communication Services (JHU/PCS)|Family Planning Association of Kenya (FPAK)


ID: PL UGA 166
Country: Uganda
Media Type: Pamphlet
Media Format: Newspaper
Title: Straight talk : Keeping Adolescents Safe: Vol. 7 No. 2: February 1999
Producers: Straight Talk Foundation


ID: PL ZAM 119
Country: Zambia
Media Type: Pamphlet
Media Format: Newspaper
Title: Trendsetters: Setting trends for a wise and proud generation: Edition 20 : December/January 1998
Producers: Youth Media


ID: PL KEN 313
Country: Kenya
Media Format: Pamphlet
Title: Break the silence! Talk about AIDS : Preventing AIDS is a team effort
Producers: Confederation of East and Central Africa Football Association (CECAFA)|Johns Hopkins University Population Communication Services (JHU/PCS)|NASCOP


ID: PL KEN 320
Country: Kenya
Media Format: Pamphlet
Title: Break the silence. Talk about AIDS : Programme from Oct. 23rd to Nov. 6th 1999
Producers: Confederation of East and Central Africa Football Association (CECAFA)|Johns Hopkins University Population Communication Services (JHU/PCS)|Help Crush AIDS|United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID)|Voice of America (VOA)|United Nation


ID: PL KEN 322
Country: Kenya
Media Type: Pamphlet
Media Format: Newspaper
Title: CECAFA youth tournament/AIDS awareness campaign. Break the silence Talk about AIDS through sports
Producers: Daily Nation


ID: PL KEN 323
Country: Kenya
Media Type: Pamphlet
Media Format: Newspaper
Title: CECAFA youth tournament/AIDS awareness campaign. Record crowd expected at kick out AIDs finals
Producers: Daily Nation


Country: Senegal
Media Format: Pamphlet
Title: [Family planning video discussion guide]
Original Title: Guide de discussion vidéo: La planification familiale
Producers: Johns Hopkins University Population Communication Services (JHU/PCS)|USAID|Senegal Programme National de Planification Familiale (PNPF)|Africa Consultants International

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The Health Communication Partnership

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs in partnership with
Academy for Educational Development " Save the Children " The International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine


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