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English Title: [Planned family : Happy family]
Original Title: Famille planifiée : Famillie heureuse
Series Title: | Strengthening reproductive health and STD/AIDS interventions (PRISM) |
Media Format: Poster
Date: 1999
Country: Guinea
Subjects: JHU/CCP, Family Planning Benefits, Vaginal Spermicides, IUD, Condom, Injectables, Oral Contraceptives
Audience: Couples, Parents, General
Languages: French
Description: 46 x 33 cm. poster. White background with color illustration of a family of five sitting on top of a giant pill pack.
Producers: Guinee Ministere de la Sante Publique, OSFAM/PSI, Save the Children, PRISM/JHU/CCP, DSR/MS
Contact: OSFAM/PSI
BP 4111
Conakry, Guinea

Phone: (224) 41-32-15
Abstract: Images across the bottom of Spermicide, IUD, condom and injectable.

Notes: Funded by USAID. The PRISM (Strengthening Reproductive Health and STD/AIDS Interventions) initiative is building local health clinics' service delivery and capacity.

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The Health Communication Partnership

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs in partnership with
Academy for Educational Development " Save the Children " The International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine


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