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English Title: Your family health : Winter 2003
Media Format: Radio Spot
Date: 2003
Run Time: 13
Country: Africa
Subjects: Contraceptive Agents, Side Effects, Family Planning, JHU/CCP, Injectables, Contraceptive Methods
Audience: Parents, Adolescents, Couples
Languages: English
Description: Compact Disc
Producers: Information & Knowledge for Optimal Health (INFO) Project, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health / Center for Communication Programs (CCP)
Contact Name:
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health / Center for Communication Programs (CCP)
111 Market Place, Suite 310
Baltimore, MD 21202
United States

Phone: 6300
Abstract: This series of 13 one-minute radio spots was developed to provide young unmarried and married couples and their families, Africa-wide, with short, easy-to-digest news items on reproductive health, family planning, and other health topics based on the most recent medical knowledge and information. The information is presented in the form of conversations between health care providers and their patients,... more
Abstract: This series of 13 one-minute radio spots was developed to provide young unmarried and married couples and their families, Africa-wide, with short, easy-to-digest news items on reproductive health, family planning, and other health topics based on the most recent medical knowledge and information. The information is presented in the form of conversations between health care providers and their patients, or between family members and friends about the various topics. "Your Family Health" is provided free of charge to radio stations and networks in the developing world.|Contents: 1. Injectables for family planning, 2. The advantages of spacing births, 3. Forgetting a pill, 4. Choosing injectables, 5. Unintended pregnancy & HIV/AIDS prevention, 6. Family concerns about birth spacing, 7. Side effects of the contraceptive pill, 8. A couple decides to wait, 9. Your family planning questions, 10. Discussing family planning, 11. Advantages & side effects of injectables, 12. Switiching family planning methods, 13. Smoking and family planning. less

Notes: Produced in collaboration with Lee Thornton, Ph.D.|Click on the links below to hear the complete radio spots.|
Injectables for family planning
The advantages of spacing births
Forgetting a pill

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The Health Communication Partnership

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs in partnership with
Academy for Educational Development " Save the Children " The International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine


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