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English Title: ["Getting tested together was a sign of our love." : Magnaite & Petunia : Make the commitment to one partner and go for an HIV test together. Be your own hero : Take control]
Original Title: "Oku ka konakonwa naye osha li endhindhiliko lyohole yetu." : Magnaite & Petunia : Itula momuholike gumwe nokuya pamwe mu ka konakonwe kombinga yombuto yoHIV
Series Title: | Take Control! : Namibian HIV & AIDS Media Campaign |
Media Format: Poster
Date: 2005
Country: Namibia
Subjects: AIDS, HIV Prevention, Voluntary Counseling and Testing, HIV Testing, Monogamy, Fidelity, JHU/HCP, Hotlines, Couples, Youth
Audience: Adolescents
Languages: English
Description: 60 x 42 cm. poster. One large and one small photograph of a smiling couple. Black text on a blue background. Blue and black text on an orange background. Red ribbon logo reminiscent of the Superman logo.
Producers: Namibia Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Office of the United States Global AIDS Coordinator, Nawalife, Health Communication Partnership (HCP), Catholic AIDS Action
Contact: Namibia Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Phone: 061.1
Notes: This poster lists some reasons why having only one sexual partner is good and gives a telephone number for those who want to locate the nearest New Start Voluntary Counselling and Testing Centre. Displays the New Start logo.|See PO NAM 18 & 19 for other languages.

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The Health Communication Partnership

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs in partnership with
Academy for Educational Development " Save the Children " The International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine


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