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Detail Information for M/MC ID# PO MAI 10

English Title: [Give your child with diarrhea 'Keneyaji' to drink]
Original Title: A votre enfant atteint de diarrhée donnez à boire le "Keneyaji"
Media Format: Print Advertisement
Date: 1990
Country: Mali
Subjects: Child Health, Oral Rehydration, Diarrhea
Audience: Mothers|General
Languages: French
Description: 47 x 61 cm. Photo of a mother feeding her child an oral-rehydration solution. Picture of "Keneyaji" is in the left corner. Bottom has drawings of mother making oral-rehydration mix.
Producers: MSP/AS Programme de Lutte contre les Maladies Diarrheiques |
Abstract: Bottom drawings have captions to explain how to make oral-rehydration solution.

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The Health Communication Partnership

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs in partnership with
Academy for Educational Development " Save the Children " The International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine


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