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  M/MC HCMD Detail Information for TD GHA 98
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Date: [2000]

Country: Ghana

Media Type: Novelty Item

Media Format: Clothing

Languages: English

English Title: Stop AIDS love life

Series Title: Stop AIDS Love Life

Producers: Ghana Ministry of Health, National AIDS Control Programme

Contact: Ghana Ministry of Health, AIDS Control Programme

PO Box KB493
Accra, Ghana

Phone: 667081

Audience: General

Notes: Distributed as part of the "Stop AIDS love life" campaign which was launched in February, 2000 by the First Lady of Ghana and implemented by the Ministry of Communication, Ministry of Health National AIDS Control Programme, the Ghana Social Marketing Foundation and JHU/CCP. The campaign focused on prevention of HIV transmission and compassion for those who are HIV positive. It includes HIV+ Ghanaians "coming out" to tell their stories, focuses on peer pressure, social support and messages of empowerment. The campaign will be implemented in phases over 2 years, using a combination of print and electronic media and community based activities.

Description: 18 x 15 cm. yellow plastic hand yellow hand with black text. Intended to be mounted on car windows with suction cup.

Subjects: HIV Prevention | AIDS | JHU/CCP

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The Health Communication Partnership

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs in partnership with
Academy for Educational Development " Save the Children " The International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine


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