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Professional Picks
Health Communication Professional: Peggy D'Adamo

Bio: Peggy D’Adamo is now the Deputy Director of the Information for Optimal Health (INFO) project. As Librarian for the Media/Materials Clearinghouse (M/MC) for ten years, Peggy was responsible for selecting and adding new materials to the collection and for providing access to M/MC resources via the web and CD-ROM. She has worked extensively with many of the M/MC's clients to help them select and develop materials and plan campaigns for projects worldwide.

Pick Info: Peggy's pick is the manual "Making Health Communication Programs Work: A Planner's Guide." This guide was first produced in print by the National Cancer Institute in 1989. Since then it has been completely updated and published on the web. This guide presents key principles and steps in developing and evaluating health communications program for the public, patients, and health professionals.


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The Health Communication Partnership

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs in partnership with
Academy for Educational Development " Save the Children " The International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine


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