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The purpose of the monthly Spotlight is to showcase health communication materials that have had proven impact.

Hope Kit - Malawi


The Hope Kit is a package of resources designed to facilitate discussion about HIV prevention issues among community groups in Malawi. The Hope Kit,assembled by the BRIDGE Project, is a collaborative effort that includes materials produced by many organizations. It consists of locally developed posters, information cards, booklets, and sample materials to support community facilitators in addressing HIV prevention issues in a variety of creative and dynamic ways. Activities and materials in the kit include:

Journey of Hope Activity Book

The Journey of Hope Activity Book
Journey of Hope is a collection of practical techniques and games that can help Malawians adapt their behavior to stay healthy and avoid HIV and AIDS.

Feedback from people of all ages who have used the Journey of Hope has been very positive. They say that the tools are easy to use and that the Journey of Hope gets Malawians to talk more openly about issues relating to HIV and AIDS.

The Message Guide
The Message Guide contains action and benefit oriented HIV and AIDS messages developed by BRIDGE project partners to help organizations engaged in HIV and AIDS programs reinforce the efforts of others. The guide focuses on five topic areas: HIV prevention, promoting VCT, promoting early careseeking, reducing stigma and discrimination, and support for PLWHAs.

The messages emphasize the small “do-able” actions that individuals or groups can take every day to prevent HIV or help mobilize communities to respond to the HIV and AIDS epidemic.

Message Guide

Nditha! Campaign Materials

Materials from the Nditha! Mass Media Campaign
Like the Message Guide, The Nditha! Mass Media Campaign is built around small, do-able actions that all Malawians CAN do to help protect themselves and their loved ones from HIV. The campaign’s posters, billboards, brochures, and radio spots have provided Malawians with effective and easy ways to prevent the HIV. The Hope Kit contains a sample of these materials reminding Malawians that they CAN talk about HIV and AIDS, abstain, stay healthy, live positively, and achieve their goals and dreams in life.

The Hope Kit also includes :

National AIDS Commission InfoVoluntary Counseling and Testing of HIV
Information from the National AIDS Commission about available treatment (ART) and voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) for HIV.

Living PositivelyLiving Positively with HIV and AIDS
The Pakachere Positive Living Handbook created by PSI about how to take care of yourself and live positively with HIV and AIDS. Also, samples of posters about HIV and AIDS produced by Malawian organizations.

Photos of PLWAStories and Images of People Living with HIV
Photos and true stories from People Living with HIV and AIDS – about how they got tested, found out, and continue to live positively with HIV.


The Hope Kit includes only materials that were pretested. Community groups began using the kit in July 2005. A total of 1,550 kits were produced by the BRIDGE Project; additional kits are being produced, and it is estimated that 600,000 Malawians engaged with the kit during is first year of use. The Hope Kit was evaluated as part of the BRIDGE Project Midterm Evaluation in August 2006.


The Hope Kit was assembled by the BRIDGE Project, which is implemented by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs in partnership with Save the Children US with funding from the US Agency for International Development. Collaborators include the National Smallholder Farmers Association of Malawi, Project Hope, Oxfam, FMOH – Health Education Unit, National AIDS Commission, Umoyo Network partner NGOs, Banja La Mtsogolo, Family Planning Association of Malawi, PSI and MANASO.

Photos See photographs about the Bridge Project
CORE Initiative logo Visit the web site for Communities Responding to HIV/AIDS


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The Health Communication Partnership

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs in partnership with
Academy for Educational Development " Save the Children " The International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine


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