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Selected Tools

These materials about health communication have been highly recommended by health communication professionals in many countries. See also Professional Picks.

Featured Tools


Putting It All Together
(Un modela para DES-ARMAR)

A multimedia CD-ROM course to train providers in key adolescent reproductive health competencies

Writing and Producing for Television and Film
de Fossard, Esta

Writing and Producing Radio Dramas
de Fossard, Esta



  • Academy for Educational Development Online Tools — ( HTML)
  • International HIV/AIDS Alliance Online Tools — ( HTML)
  • Reaching Men to Improve Reproductive Health for All [2004]– (Online version: HTML and PDF ) ( Order CD-ROM )
  • How to Mobilize Communities for Health and Social Change [2003] — ( HTML, PDF )
  • A Field Guide to Designing a Health Communication Strategy [June 2003] — ( PDF )
  • The New P-Process: Steps in Strategic Communication [2003] — ( PDF , French PDF , Spanish PDF )
  • Setting Up a Hotline [March 2003] — ( PDF )
  • The Gender Guide for Health Communication Programs [2003] — ( PDF )
  • "A" Frame for Advocacy [1999] — ( B&W PDF , Color PDF )
  • How To Select and Work with an Advertising Agency [1996] — ( PDF )

In the Spotlight Selected Tools Featured Materials Share Your Materials Special Topics Join the Network Search for Materials Home

The Health Communication Partnership

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs in partnership with
Academy for Educational Development " Save the Children " The International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine


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