Update #51: August 18, 2003
- Anthology of Health Communication Materials
- Love Life materials and web site
- Customized News from the Pop Reporter
- EHealth 2003 Conference
- Request for digital images related to traditional birthing
- Organization Profile: Access for Teenagers (AFT)
- Organization Profile: Vision Ethiopia Association (VEA)
- Message from HCMN member Christine Dompor
- New HCMN Members
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Anthology of Health Communication Materials
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The Anthology of Health Communication Materials was collected by the
Communication Initiative, a partnership of organizations including UNICEF,
PANOS and the Rockefeller Foundation that works on communication projects
related to international development. The anthology was commissioned by the
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in 2002.
Research about the importance of health communication is increasing, while
resources to help practitioners wade through what works and what doesn't
are scarcer. This peer-reviewed list of health communication materials ranges
from academic texts to CD-ROMs.
A team of health communications experts reviewed the final list of materials
to identify products with proven success in the field. Topics include health
issues among children and adolescents, gender, HIV/AIDS, reproductive
health and family planning, health worker training materials and even tip
for promoting health initiatives to the media.
Each listing briefly describes the materials and their original audience,
and provides information on how to purchase or links to download the
materials for free.
Love Life
loveLife is South Africa's national HIV prevention programme for youth.
With initial leadership from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation,
loveLife has brought together international foundations working in HIV/AIDS
prevention, major South African media organizations, the government of
South Africa, and leading South African non-government organizations with
the goal of turning back the epidemic of HIV/AIDS, and related epidemics of
teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections among South Africa's
young people. Launched in September 1999, loveLife seeks to cut the HIV
infection rate among young South Africans by 50 percent and to establish
a new model for effective HIV prevention.
loveLife's approach integrates three key components:
1. Nationwide media campaigns of unprecedented scale and intensity, including
youth-focused television and radio programming, publications, and billboards
that promote sexual responsibility and link young people to counselling
and clinical services.
2. Service and support programmes, including a network of youth centres
that provide HIV prevention services, and accessible adolescent health
services in public clinics nationwide. loveLife also works with over
100 community-based organisations which have become loveLife
3. Extensive monitoring and evaluation of the programmes' impact and results.
A recent loveLife poster which features Nelson Mandela
is attached to this e-mail. Visit the loveLife web site for more information
at http://www.lovelife.org.za/
Customized News from the Pop Reporter
You can customize the news you receive in the "Pop Reporter"
weekly e-mail. Select specific topics from 17 topic categories. You
can also select two special features: Guest Editorials or updates to
the CIRE database - a database of new evidence related to clinical
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Questions? Contact:
Robert Jacoby
Editor, "The Pop Reporter"
3rd Annual Meeting of the International eHealth Association
Oct. 16-17, 2003 London England
The global conference and exhibition, eHealth 2003, Oct. 16-17,
2003, will cover all aspects of eHealth, including eSurgery,
Telemedicine, Telecare, the use of technology in healthcare,
eLearning, hospitals of the future, eNeuroscience, ePsychiatry,
and national IT strategies. Technology and Medicine will be
examined in state-of-the-art debate and presentations in both
developing countries and industrialized countries, with
participants gathering in London for this event.
SPEAKERS to include:
-- Dr. Sultan Bahabri, CEO of King Faisal Specialist
Hospital and Research Center
-- Prof. Rashid Bashshur, President of the American
Telemedicine Association
-- Dr. Salah Mandil, Wisekey
-- Dr. Pablo Pulido, Former Minister of Health for Venezuela
-- Prof Per-Gunnar Svennsonn, Director General of the
International Hospital Federation
-- Richard Granger, Director General, NHS Information
-- Prof J Marescaux, President IRCAD, European Institute of
eHealth 2003 will be a truly global conference, with more than
500 delegates from all over the world attending, both in person
and via live video links to HELINA 2003, South Africa; MEDIC
AFRICA, Kenya; TELECOM 2003, Switzerland; the European
Institute of Surgery, France and the British Council's Science,
Environment and Technology Program, India.
Jasvinder Sidhu
Hemming Group Ltd.
32 Vauxhall Bridge Road
London SW1V 2SS UK
011-44- phone
011-44- fax
Looking for digital images related to traditional birthing
From Olivia Griffiths , a medical student at Johns Hopkins University.
ADEMI (Asociacion de Mujeres-Ixpiaykok) trains health promotores
and comadronas in Guatemala. I am creating a system to monitor
the activities of comadronas (traditional birthing attendants). However,
many of the comadronas are unable to read or write and thus I am
looking for clear digital images to add to the form that I will be giving
the comadronas to complete. I would appreciate any suggestions
as to where I may be able to find free digital images. Thanks!
Organization Profile: Access for Teenagers (AFT)
Aft is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 2000.
It was established to proffer lasting solution to the wobbling future
confronting Nigerian teenagers.
TARGET GROUP: Aft works with children between the ages of
13 and 19, this we believe is the teenage period. Aft actually
based its programmes in this range due to the fact that "the teenage
period is the foundation stage of every man's life and if not well laid
will collapse". Aft want to do everything possible to help teenagers
ensure good future by helping them lay a good foundation.
MISSION STATEMENT: Aft is a nongovernmental organization
with the avowed responsibility of ensuring a meaningful future for
teenagers. A world where teenagers' potentials would be exposed,
a world where teenagers would be given voices, where there will
not be discrimination between boys and girls. A world where boys
and girls will have equal rights.
1. Providing support for the less-privilege and the needy.
2. To organize and participate in training, workshops and
conferences on HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, child's right and
other related issues.
3. To discourage immoralities among teenagers. For instance,
indiscriminate-sex, drug abuses, cultism et cetera.
4. To educate parents on areas that affects the lives of teenagers,
for instance, child-abuses, child labour et cetera and to further proffer
solution to the problems.
5. To provide support for local libraries by supplying necessary materials
that could be of help to teenagers. And to also educate them on the
importance of library.
6. To enlighten teenagers on their rights in the land and how to
inculcate their duties towards becoming promising teenagers.
7. To collaborate with relevant governmental, local and international
agencies towards achieving positive approach to the wobbling future
being faced by teenagers.
CURRENT PROGRAMME: Aft is looking forward to collaboration with
an NGO (Yoruba Women for Peace Movement) in the area of creating
awareness for the use of Female Condom. The programme is tagged
"The usefulness of Female Condom." It is aimed at lowering the spread
of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. The programme
will be conducted in 8 States of Nigeria and it will last for 2 months.
COLLABORATION/PARTNERSHIP: Aft works with other stakeholders
(such as NGOs, international organization like Student Campaign for
Child Survival, USA. etc) to achieve its objectives.
FUNDING: Aft is supported through donations from donor agencies,
private organizations, individuals.
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE: Aft has a 5-member Board of
Trustees. The Program Officer, assisted by a Programme Execution Team
(PET) oversees the daily operations of the organization.
Aft is also currently working on how to launch the organization as
clubs in secondary schools and communities so as to involve teenagers
in matters that affects them. Aft would like to be connected with people
working in health communication and development to facilitate research,
acquisition of materials knowledge. Also want training packages on
CD-ROM that can be used for training of trainers. Aft wants materials
that could be useful in the area of child's rights, wants collaboration
with organizations working in the area of child's rights, HIV/AIDS.
Contact address:
Damilare Agoro, Initiator/Exewcutive Director
Access for Teenagers (Aft)
Plot LX1, Block 12, Oluyole Estate, Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria.
P.O. Box 15182, Dugbe G.P.O., Ibadan, Nigeria.
Telephone: +234 (0) 8023310127
E-mail: or
VEA is a nonprofit-making non-governmental, non-political
humanitarian indigenous secular membership organization
established by self initiated volunteers who are a group of
professionals consisting of Ethiopian citizens - doctors,
engineers, IT professionals, teachers, and other
associates interested in family planning and the
prevention of HIV/AIDS.
To control and prevent HIV/AIDS pandemic
To set up an AIDS information center
Family planning
IEC and advocacy
-Inform and educate the people to control and prevent HIV/AIDS
-Test every person who is at risk of HIV infection
-Treat the people with HIV & AIDS
To organize systemic education and public awareness of the
transmission and prevalence of the AIDS epidemic, using all
possible media, in foreign and local languages. To design
culture-specific awareness, actively involve opinion leaders,
external and local leaders of local communities in the
educational effort. To conduct skill training for behavioral
social groups and help people learn new information or
more about HIV/AIDS.
In a recent study conducted on the evaluation of extension
media in the diffusion of innovation in Addis Ababa, the capital
city of Ethiopia, it was rightly observed that the rural populace
got most of its information through extension with little or no
access to electronic or print media. Health facilities in most
developing countries are not in the beast from specialty in
the rural areas. Most health problems faced throughout the
world today are endemic in the rural areas due to lack of
information on health hazards and related problems in Ethiopia.
PO.BOX 27483
I have read your new list of HCMN members and I am glad I
and my group became members of your active group. I am
happy reading about those people who have taken
volunteerism in their respective communities and it felt so
good to know that there are people left doing such heroic jobs!
I want to thank you for this great opportunity. If you have
publications that we here in a far flung area will surely benefit
please let us know or have those mailed to us. We will really
make sure that whatever is sent here is being justified. Right
now we are undergoing seminars, workshops and barangay
visits. A barangay here is a small community that composed
one municipality. We want people to have equal access of
information no matter how far they are through us and through
you as our network. May we continue to forge ties in the
name of service to humanity!!!
God bless to all of us!
Assistant Director
Compostela Research Center for Socila Devt
Compostela, compostela Valley 8803
Dr. Joel Almeyda Ugarte
Jr. San Martin de Porres 606, Pueblo Nuevo,
Chincha 01 Peru
Phone: 265452
Interests: General Health
Pat McIntyre
60 Cheryl Lane, Brownsville, TX 78521 USA
I am a graduate student in the School of Public Health at
the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
I would like to join the network because I am very interested
in health communication and will be doing a thesis on culturally
competent interventions. I'd like to look at telenovelas or
fotonovelas or other media concentrating on health. I would
be able to share my trials and tribulations while doing my thesis,
and also report research results at the end.
Okolo, Emeka A.
Title: Health Coordinator
Organization: AIDS Control Club
Phone: 234-60-230524
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health,
Campaign against HIV/AIDS and other related STIs,
Teen pregnancy prevention
Omeire Edwards
Title: Program Director
Ceasefire Project
18 Ajayi Aina Street Ifako Gbagada,
Lagos 23401 Nigeria
Phone: 2348023117330
Interests: Adolescent Health
Interests: Environment
Ceasefire Project is currently carrying out a HIV/AIDS
awareness/prevention project for youths - HAPPY. This
project is aimed at youth at risk in the inner city of Lagos.
These grassroots HIV-AIDS prevention programs give
education to high risk youth about the disease, modify
sexual behavior, promote voluntary counseling and
reverse the stigmatization of people with AIDS.
Olatunde Sanmi
Malaria Research Group
GPO Box 16958 Dugbe, lbadan
Oyo State 200001 Nigeria
Phone: 234 02 2414948
Interests: Reproductive Health, Environment,
Infectious Diseases
it is based on the chloroquine resistant by the
plasmodium falciparum
Manolis Klothos
Health Visitor, Msc in Family Planning
Hospital of Patissia,
Vlavianou 6, Patissia Athens
Patissia 11253 Greece
Phone: 0 6522250
Interests: Reproductive Health
I am working as a counsellor in the family planning
department of the hospital. The hospital offers services
in the primary and secondary healthcare sector to
people of Patissia region.
Jinna Samara Halperin
Technical Communications Associate
Pathfinder International
9 Galen St., Suite 217, Watertown MA 02472 USA
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health
Pathfinder International provides women, men, and
adolescents throughout the developing world with access
to quality family planning and reproductive health information
and services. Pathfinder works to halt the spread of HIV/AIDS,
to provide care to women suffering from the complications
of unsafe abortion, and to advocate for sound reproductive
health policies in the U.S. and abroad.
As the technical communications associate, I coordinate
the writing, editing, publication and dissemination of
Pathfinder's technical materials, which includes a
Technical Guidance Series, various training modules
and curricula, and an upcoming publication that will
highlight our best practices and lessons from the field.
Sarika Dandona
Director-Business Development
bioPiXL, a division of PiXL Communication Pvt Ltd
B-112/2, East of Kailash, New Delhi - , India
Tel: 91 11 26322718, 26319457
M: 0 9811103175
web: http://www.biopixl.com
Title: DY.CMOH, Darjeeling, West Bengal India
Department of Health, Govt. of West Bengal, India
60/5, New H.I.T. Road, Kadamtala, Howrah,
West Bengal INDIA 711101
Phone: 00-91-33-2667-0624
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, Environment,
Infectious Diseases, Nutritition, Sanitation/Hygiene, Communicable
disease control etc
Alabi Joel Ade
Title: Health Officer
Organization: Health Communication And Relief Network
Address: Directly opposite UI 2nd gate, Ibadan, Oyo State.
20053 University of Ibadan P.O. Nigeria
Phone: 080-33960794
Interests: Reproductive Health
We gives lectures to people especially to youths in
programmes known as community development
organized by the state's local governments and the
lectures are based on reproductive health.
Address: 51421, Nairobi, Kenya
E-mail address:
Reasons for wanting to join are simple. With your help I
may improve the overall health being of my fellow Kenyans.
My contribution would come from the creation of video
documentaries that can be aired in all five major networks
in Nairobi Kenya.
Ms. Adite Chatterjee
Title: Freelance Researcher and Writer
Centre for Media Studies
D103 Nagarjuna Apts, Chilla, New Delhi Delhi 110096 India
Phone: 91-11-22716363
I would like to become a member of the HCMN. I am a
freelance researcher and writer and am currently trying to
learn about how to develop health communication material.
I would be in a position to contribute only after I have
developed some skills and experience in the field. I would
be grateful if you could pl. grant me membership to the network.
Olivia Griffiths
Medical Student - JHMI
304 E. 31st Street, Baltimore MD 21218 USA
Interests: Reproductive Health
ADEMI (Asociacion de Mujeres-Ixpiaykok) trains health promotores
and comadronas in Guatemala. I am creating a system to monitor
the activities of comadronas (traditional birthing attendants).
However, many of the comadronas are unable to read or write
and thus I am looking for clear digital images to add to the form
that I will be giving the comadronas to complete. I would
appreciate any suggestions as to where I may be able to
find free digital images.
Organization: International eHealth Association
Address: 3rd floor, Millbank tower, 21-24 Millbank
London SW1P 4QP England
Phone: 020 7 7
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health,
General Health, Environment, Infectious Diseases,
Nutritition, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Sanitation/Hygiene,
Domestic Violence. International eHealth Association is
a professional body representing health practitioners
interested in telemedicine.
Title: Nurse
Organization: Ebira Youth Ambassadors
Address: c/o Adedeji Aisha, GPO Box10777
Dugbe IBAD Ibadan Oyo state Nigeria
Phone: 08023340771
Interests: General Health
We mainly deal with the preventive measure against many
infectious disease through public enlightenment campaign .
Our major area of operation is KOGI CENTRAL SENATORIAL
DISTRICT comprising five (5) local govt. area in Kogi State of Nigeria
Kristina Graff
Title: Public Education Intern
Organization: Women's Dignity Project
Address: PO Box 79402
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Phone: +255.22.2152577 or 8
Interests: Reproductive Health
The Women's Dignity Project (WDP) was established to prevent
and manage obstetric fistula, enhance the dignity and human rights
of those living with the condition, and promote gender and health equity.
WDP's program areas include to:
- better understand girls' and women's vulnerability to fistula
- strengthen communities and organizations to take action on
fistula and inequities impacting the poor
- stimulate public debate and action to address these fundamental inequities
- influence programs and policies to promote the dignity and rights of the poor
Getnet Mitike
Title: Doctor
Organization: Department of Community Health, AAU
Address: P.O.Box 9086, Addis Ababa 9713 (private) Ethiopia
Phone: 511119
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health
Also teaching: health management, health education, research,
consultative services
Peggy D'Adamo - HCMN
111 Market Place, Suite 310 - Baltimore, MD 21202 USA
(tel); (fax)
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