Update #55: November 14, 2003
- HIV/AIDS documentary: Stigma: Society's Disease
- Pathfinder International to be featured in 2003-2004 Visionaries Series
- School on Digital Radio Communications for Research and Training
in Developing Countries
- Workshop: Inquiry as Intervention: Crafting Questions with Purpose and Impact
- Innovative Marketing Communications: Promoting and Selling Training
and Services in a Competitive Global Market (IMC-3)
- Course on: Health Promotion in Developing Countries
- New HCMN Members
Stigma: Society's Disease
A Conscious Movements Collective Documentary about HIV/AIDS
and youth of color in New York City
This feature-length digital video documentary is an artistic education and
empowerment project focused on youth of color and their vulnerability to
HIV/AIDS in New York City. The film involves three young people living
with HIV/AIDS as well as other young people who are at high risk for HIV.
In addition to the technical crew, the youth will also be the filmmakers,
examining how HIV/AIDS has impacted their respective communities. The
young participants whose age range from 16-23 represent the range of high-risk
populations common in communities of color (homeless youth, LGBT youth,
black and latina women and children of intravenous drug users). Combining
personal footage with interviews of HIV/AIDS experts, activists, community-
based organizations, the project will explore issues in relation to communities
of color, including: housing status, homophobia and heterosexism, unhealthy
sexual health attitudes, drug-use, and economic marginalization. Two out of three
of the HIV/AIDS participants must have their identity concealed so the
documentary attempts to show how stigma, on many levels, in these
communities and society at large is responsible for adolescent sexual unhealthiness.
The filmmakers hope to collect media materials from the US and other countries
(who have had successful prevention/stigma campaigns).
Conscious Movements Collective is a youth-run, youth-focused New York-based
non-profit that uses art, entertainment, digital technology and media to facilitate
HIV/AIDS activism. Conscious Movements has three main objectives:
1. to empower and educate high-risk youth in New York City about the HIV/AIDS
2. to partner with youth-run and youth-focused grass-roots organizations in the U.S.
and Africa to help raise consciousness about HIV/AIDS and
3. to build the movement to stop the global AIDS epidemic. Conscious Movement's
goal is to empower and build global networks among marginalized youth of color,
particular in LGBT and low-income communities.
Be the change.
If anyone would like to support this organization or this project please contact:
Because Nobody Goes There
Pathfinder International to be featured in 2003-2004 Visionaries Series on
Public Television
Pathfinder International will be featured on an award-winning PBS series
called, The Visionaries, a program that profiles nonprofit organizations
working to bring about positive social change. The program is hosted by
acclaimed actor Sam Waterston of Law & Order and is titled, "Because Nobody
Goes There." It focuses on Pathfinder's family planning and reproductive
health work in India and Kenya.
The Kenya segment highlights Pathfinder's effort to care for people living
with HIV/AIDS. The segment profiles Asunte Sagnuna, the founder of the
Kenyan Network of Women with AIDS, who counsels HIV-positive women and helps
to create memory books for their children. It also follows one of
Pathfinder's representatives as he provides home-based care and support to a
man living with AIDS. In a Muslim village in Rajastahn, India, the focus is
on Pathfinder's efforts to educate the community about family planning and
reproductive health. The Visionaries' film crew interviewed village elders,
religious leaders and local families, tracing the evolution in attitudes
from apprehension to acceptance and finally, to recognition of the benefits
of reproductive health teachings.
About Pathfinder
Pathfinder International was founded in1957 and conducts programs in more
than 23 countries around the world. With a $57 million dollar budget,
including $46 million in U.S. foreign aid funding, Pathfinder is the leading
U.S. organization providing women, men, and adolescents throughout the
developing world with access to quality family planning and reproductive
health information and services.
About Visionaries
Since 1995, Visionaries production crews have traveled across six continents
and to more than 50 American cities to profile the extraordinary work of
true philanthropists - people dedicating their lives and careers to the
service of others. Each 30-minute documentary episode features "ordinary"
individuals actively engaged in building homes, providing medical care,
feeding the hungry, educating children and adults, creating economic
opportunity and offering hope to people around the globe. The Visionaries
is presented by public television station WYBE, Philadelphia and distributed
to public television stations throughout the U.S. by the National
Educational Telecommunications Associations (NETA).
To find out when The Visionaries series is airing in your area, check
www.pubtv.net/online/visionaries/ for national broadcast schedules.
Cara A. Hesse
Director of Advocacy Programs
(617) 924-7200 ext. 216
School on Digital Radio Communications for Research and Training in
Developing Countries
Feb 9-27 2004
Miramare - Trieste, Italy
Event Details: This school organised by the Abdus Salam International
Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) aims to cover radio-based
computer networking in academic and research environment, focusing
on specific issues of Developing Countries. It will include tutorial lectures
and laboratory work on state-of-the-art and affordable technologies
in both computer networking and radio techniques for digital communications.
Target participants are professionals in the field of ICT, as well as trainers
and researchers in their respective institutions. This event is the follow-up
of previous schools, seminars and workshops on radio, organised annually
since 1989, several of them with the collaboration of International Union of
Radio Science (URSI), International Telecommunication Union *
Telecommunication Development Bureau (ITU/BDT) and the World Bank.
Registration Details:
There is no fee for attending the school and travel and accommodation
expenses for most of the participants will be covered. Contact Information:
Carlo Fonda
Aeronomy and Radiopropagation Laboratory
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Strada Costiera 11
34014 Trieste, Italy
Phone: +39 0317 Fax: +39 604
Inquiry as Intervention: Crafting Questions with Purpose and Impact
Feb 10 2004
Boston, MA, USA
Event Details: According to The Public Conversations Project the
questions asked by practitioners affect what the parties in a conflict
think is possible for their communication, their relationship, and the
outcome of their conflict.
Since 1989, the Public Conversations Project has been refining the use
of "opening questions" in transforming conflict. Participants in this
workshop will focus on the power of crafting, asking, and responding to
questions, and will explore the power and potential of questions for their
own practice and daily lives.
Registration Details:
Fee: $160-$250 (sliding scale)
Limited Space
Contact Information:
The Public Conversations Project
Manda Bohannon
Innovative Marketing Communications: Promoting and Selling Training and
Services in a Competitive Global Market (IMC-3)
Dec 6-12 2003
Cairo, Egypt
Event Details: This workshop organized by the American University in Cairo
(AUC) and the SPAAC/Human Empowerment Center is a collaborative learning
opportunity for training executives and managers to discuss and master the
"State-of-the-Art" promotion and communication methods for training institutions
to effectively market their products and services. The workshop is an initiative
supported by the Word Bank Institute's Knowledge Utilization through Learning
Technologies (KULT) program.
Course objectives as outlined on the KULT website:
? Examine the basic principles and usefulness of a new marketing paradigm
"Integrated Marketing Communications" (IMC), and discuss the practicality of
IMC methods and tools for promotion and selling training products and services.
? Describe and review the "State-of-the-Art" innovative promotion and
communications methods to market and sell training products and services
in highly competitive global market place.
? Provide participants with opportunities to analyze real-life cases of effective
and/or less-effective sales promotion and marketing programs.
? Share and reflect on the practical lessons learned and generic best practices,
based on workshop participants own actual experiences, in promoting and
marketing of training products and services.
Registration Details:
Workshop fee - US$1,300,- inclusive of workshop materials, morning & afternoon
coffee/tea & snacks, and lunch (during workshop sessions). In addition, participants
are expected to pay for their own transportation or airfare, board and lodging costs.
A special discounted hotel rate of US$ 75/room/night, inclusive of taxes & service
charge, has been offered by the Ramses Hilton Hotel where the workshop will be
held. The minimum suggested food allowances is US$ 30/day. Contact Information:
Ms. Rosa Abdel Malek
Knowledge Utilization through Learning Technologies (KULT) website:
Course on: Health Promotion in Developing Countries
Dec 10-12 2003
Melbourne, Australia Event Details: This 3-day course has been organized by the
Australian International Health Institute (AIHI) in collaboration with the Australian
Centre for Health Promotion and is suitable for program planners, policy-makers,
and members of NGOs.
Course Objectives:
? Overview of basic concepts of health promotion
? Analyze case studies for process, impact and outcome
? Strengthen application of health promotion methods in international
development programs
Course Content:
? Basic concepts of health promotion
? Review public health practice in a range of countries
? Discuss and critique a range of responses to specific health issues in
different settings, with particular concentration on analysis of health promotion
? Analyze opportunities and constraints to effective health promoting practice
within specific program settings
? Discuss and propose strategies and conditions for increasing the effective
use of health promotion processes within settings concerned
Registration Details:
The course will take place at the Parkville Campus, University of Melbourne.
Contact Information:
Ms Anne Bunde-Birouste
Australian International Health Institute (AIHI)
Coordinator - Health Promotion Program
Australian International Health Institute (AIHI) website: http://www.aihi.unimelb.edu.au/educationTraining/index.html
New HCMN Members
David Alfonso Ruiz Londoño
Universidad de Antioquia
Carrera 50 N?mero 54 - 19
Bello Antioquia Colombia
Phone: 2750750
Interests: General Health
Generamos programas de educacion en salud sexual y reproductiva especialmente hacia adolescentes
Tambien manejamos salud general a poblaciones alejadas y con problemas de recursos y violencia
Sanjeev Kumar
Independent Communication Consultant
Flat No. 6, Harsukh Apt, Sector 7, Plot 4
Dwarka New Delhi 110045 India
Phone: 91-11-25072843
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, General Health,
Environment, Infectious Diseases, Nutrition, Sanitation/Hygiene
I have been communication consultant with UNAIDS, UNFPA, DFID,
DANIDA, NACO and a regular employee with Population Council
and CARE India. I work in strategy development, Capacity building,
M & E and programme management, IEC/BCC material and activity
development and research.
P.O.BOX 5777
Phone: +
Interests: Reproductive Health, Environment, Sanitation/Hygiene,
Domestic Violence
netpharmacy limited,
512rd,f-close house-4 ,festac-town,
festac town lagos nigeria
Phone: 234-1-8023052427
Interests: Reproductive Health
we are a community pharmaceutical outlet involve in first aid treatment,
consultation in the area of drugs, counselling of patients ,dispensing &
prescription of drugs.etc.
J. Gabriel Rendon
Marketing and Communications Specialist
Academy for Educational Development
1825 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009 USA
Interests: General Health, Infectious Diseases
Gabriel at AED's Center for Health Communication provides technical and training
support for a variety of government-funded projects. He currently serves as the
Technical Assistance (TA) Liaison for two demonstration sites (Chicago and
San Antonio) for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Racial and
Ethnic Disparities in Immunization Initiative (READII). In this role he provides
TA and training to the READII site coordinators and other key staff for the
development of a Community Plan designed to increase influenza and
pneumococcal immunizations among African American and Latino elderly, 65 a
nd older. In addition, he is currently conducting marketing research for a Substance
Abuse Mental Health Administration-sponsored contract for the Center for
Substance Abuse Treatment. In this research, he is identifying national and local
organization involved in substance abuse treatment issues for a variety of ethnic
and racial communities.
Gabriel also serves as a key point of contact on assigned Spanish-language
activities with clients, consultants, subcontractors, and collaborating and
partnering organizations involved in TA activities. He has broad expertise in
supporting community-based HIV/STD and other public health programs in the
Latino community, and other communities of color. Aside from his sexual health
expertise, Mr. Rend=n has and continues to work in other public health-related
issues such as federally-funded Children's Health Insurance Programs, Tuberculosis
prevention and care, and tobacco prevention, dental health, and substance abuse treatment.
He has coordinated and managed qualitative research projects on the previous mentioned
issues throughout the U.S., while working with a diverse group of local Latino
community-based organizations across the U.S.
Mr. Rend=n holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, with a minor in Business Administration, from Boston University, Boston, MA. He is currently enrolled in a Masters degree program for Communications at Johns Hopkins University.
Miata Lengor
Communication and Advocacy Officer
World Health Organization
3 Turnagaine Lane, Borrowdale
Harare Zimbabwe
Phone: 011-263-4-746000
Currently work for the Malaria Control Unit of the African Regional office for WHO.
Responsible for communication support to 43 malaria endemic countries in the region.
Maxine Eber
PMTCT Advisor
PSI Uganda
46 Windsor Crescent
Kololo Kampala Uganda
Interests: Reproductive Health
I am currently developing client informational materials on the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV.
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