Update #56: December 18, 2003
- Training Works! Now Available Online
- 4th World Summit on Media for Children:
Children in the Media Age
- Videotivoli: Children and Youth Film
- HIV/AIDS Prevention Program: Scenarios du Sahel:
Les jeunes contre le SIDA!
- PROFAMILIA Colombia / Youth Photo Contest
- Healthlink Worldwide Launches 2nd Edition of Resource
Center Manual
- 18th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion and
Health Education
- New HCMN Members
Training Works! Now Available Online
Training Works!...what you need to know about managing, designing,
delivering, and evaluating group-based training
What makes one training experience better than another? Effective
training can help providers of family planning/ reproductive health
(FP/RH) services to improve their performance. This handbook (now
available free online) summarizes the tasks that should be completed
at each stage of training to ensure an effective training course. If you carry
out these tasks, you will have a high-quality training course. Think of
these tasks as standards to be achieved or guidelines to be followed.
This handbook will be useful to anyone who has a role in the management,
design, delivery, or evaluation of group-based training for healthcare
professionals who are currently providing services such as inservice training.
You may be a project manager, an instructional designer, a clinical trainer, an
evaluation specialist, or a trainer who "does it all." Or, you simply may be
interested in knowing more about training to help you make program decisions
or participate in stakeholder meetings.
You can find a copy of Training Works! at:
Rick Sullivan
Director of Learning and Performance Support
JHPIEGO - An Affiliate of Johns Hopkins University
1615 Thames Street
Baltimore, MD 21231-3492
4th World Summit on Media for Children: Children in the Media Age
Apr 20-24 2004
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Event Details: The aim of forum discussions and proposals is to
improve the quality of the media being produced for new generations.
The forum is aimed at media industry professional, government and
organised society.
The main themes are:
- Research and successful national and international projects
- Public and private market issues, involving financing, production, co-production and distribution of media for children and adolescents through radio, television, the Internet and electronic games
- New technologies
- Contemporary identity: multiculturalism; education, culture and entertainment in the different medias produced for children and adolescents
- Public policies and ways of regulating media quality
- Exhibition of products
- Films, TV programmes, site and radio shows
This event has been organised by Rio de Janeiro City Hall through MULTIRIO and the MIDATIVA.
Contact Information:
Beth Carmona
Regional Director Programming and Marketing
Discovery Networks Brasil
For further information, visit the Summit website at: http://www.riosummit2004.com.br/ing/index.asp
Videotivoli: Children and Youth Film
March 1-7 2004
Location: Tampere, Finland
Event Details: To celebrate the Children's and Youth Film Theme Year,
Tampere Film Festival and Pirkanmaa Film Centre are co-organising
"Videotivoli", a children's and youth film and media education event,
on March 1-7, 2004.
"Videotivoli" will show films for and made by children, organise workshops
and put up an international media education seminar concentrating on practical
approaches and methods of working with children.
For more information on "Videotivoli"visit:
Contact Information:
Maikki Kantola
Pirkanmaa Film Centre / elokuvakeskus
Kehr„saari B-talo
PL 432
33101 Tampere - Finland
Tel: +358-3-2
Fax: +358-3-5
Videotivoli Website:
Scenarios du Sahel: Les jeunes contre le SIDA!
Scenarios from the Sahel is a participatory HIV/AIDS prevention project
for adolescents and young adults in West Africa. It is designed to improve
young people's access to appropriate information about sexual and reproductive
health; to help develop an environment more open to discussion of these issues;
and to promote responsible sexual behavior. It has mobilized a multi-sectorial
coalition, community support and involvement of young people. The centerpiece
of Scenarios from the Sahel is a series of short films by acclaimed African directors.
What makes the films so special is that they are based on winning ideas
submitted by young people through a contest. The Media/Materials
Clearinghouse has some additional copies of the French version of
fourteen of these short films from Mali, Cameroun, Senegal, and Burkina
Faso. If you work in a Francophone country and would like to request a
free copy of this video in VHS/PAL - FRENCH ONLY, please contact the
M/MC at . Be sure to include your mailing address.
For more information on Scenarios, visit their website at
www.globaldialogues.org. You can also download a very useful "Replication
Guide" on the Secnarios website which outlines how to replicate this project in
your own country - http://www.globaldialogues.org/Replication.htm
PROFAMILIA Colombia / Youth Photo Contest
Greetings from PROFAMILIA Colombia,
Earlier this year, our network of youth peer educators from all across the
country took part in a photo contest on the theme of violence against women.
What the youth came up with was quite remarkable, given that they only
were able to use disposable cameras and had little experience with
Link (Spanish):
Link (English):
The second edition of Healthlink Worldwide's Resource Centre Manual is
released on 20 October 2003.
Building on the success of the original manual launched in February 2000,
the new version has been updated. It is designed for health and disability
workers planning to set up and develop a resource centre within
resource-poor communities around the world, and will be particularly useful
to people operating on a limited budget.
Witten in simple, accessible English, with clear illustrations and
diagrams, the manual is an essential tool-kit, packed with practical
tried-and-tested tips, examples, check- and resource-lists. It can be used
for reference, training or to aid the development of information services,
and is presented in a useful ring-binder for ease of reference and updating.
Key areas that have been updated and extended for the new edition include
computers and electronic communication, reviews of database software
packages, lists of electronic information sources and further reading, and
lists of resource suppliers and distributors.
The second edition of the Manual is available to download free from
Healthlink Worldwide's website at www.healthlink.org.uk.pubs.html It also
appears on Healthlink Worldwide's AIDS Action CD ROM. For printed copies of
the manual and for copies of the AIDS Action CD ROM, please contact
Healthlink Worldwide's office or go to the website. Printed copies of the
manual will also be available at the Source International Information
Support Centre in London (see below for details).
Healthlink Worldwide also uses the manual to support its special workshops
for organisations setting up resource centres in developing countries.
Note to editors:
Resource Centre Manual. Price: œ15.00 for developing countries and œ25.00
for others; Available from 20/10/03 as PDF and Rich Text Format
(RTF) at www.healthlink.org.uk/pubs.html
About Healthlink Worldwide: Healthlink Worldwide works in partnership with
organisations in developing countries to improve the wellbeing of poor and
vulnerable communities through the provision, use and impact of information.
Contact: Healthlink Worldwide, reet, London E1 1EE
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 70
Fax: +44 (0) 20 70
Web: www.healthlink.org.uk
About Source: Source, an international information support centre with
databases also accessible online, is designed to strengthen the management,
use and impact of information on health and disability. It is a partnership
between Healthlink Worldwide, the Centre for International Child Health,
Exchange and Handicap International.
Contact: Source International Information Support Centre, 2nd Floor,
Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford St, London WC1N 1EH
Tel: +44 (0)2079 x8698
Fax: +44 (0)20 72
Web: www.asksource.info
18th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education
Apr 26-30 2004
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Event Details: The aim of the conference is to assess the current status of
health promotion across the world and identify practical solutions to move
forward. The voices of Indigenous and marginalised peoples whose health
is seriously compromised by their living conditions will be given particular
attention. The theme of the World Conference is "Valuing diversity,
re-shaping power: Exploring pathways to health and well-being", which aims
to highlight the need for broadly-based partnership in health development if
the global changes and challenges are to be addressed through health promotion.
From the organisers... "Health 2004 aims to bring together the diverse international
membership of International Union for Health Promotion and Health Education
with familiar and new global partners for health promotion, in recognising that
the mobilisation of leadership and action among policymakers, field practitioners
and researchers is essential to drive and sustain the type and scale of advocacy and
action needed to achieve priority health issues, such as those identified in the Global
Burden of Disease Study, the UN Millennium Development Goals and in the
WHO 2002 Report.
This Conference will provide 'state of the art' information from the most creditable
sources across a range of health areas, health promotion, methodologies, population
groups and settings. It is anticipated that the World Conference will be attended
by approximately 2,000 participants, who will have the chance to engage with
highly qualified presenters, build new knowledge and skills and to network and
socialise with international and local practitioners, researchers, educators,
government representatives and ministers from a variety of portfolios and countries.
A wide range of topics will be addressed such as: tobacco control, HIV/
AIDS, indigenous and ethnic minority issues, mental health, physical
activity promotion, environment and urbanisation, peace and health,
governance and health, globalisation and health, workplace health,
workforce development, partnerships, policy forums, multicultural
health, school health, healthy ageing, globalisation, health and trade,
health promotion theory, and youth."
Abstracts can be submitted until October 31 2003.
To receive Conference updates and subscribe to the Health 2004 e-newsletter:
For registration details, go to: http://www.health2004.com.au/registration/
Registration begins May 1 2003.
Contact Information:
Conference Manager
Phone: 61-3-9667-1313
Fax: 61-3-9667-1375
Conference Website: http://www.health2004.com.au/default.asp
New HCMN Members
Esther Maki
Public Information Specialist
Minnesota Department of Health
85 East Seventh Place, # 400
St. Paul MN 55101 USA
Interests: Reproductive Health, Gynecology & Obstetrics
The Minnesota Department of Health is the state-funded public health
agency working in collaboration with statewide local public health agencies.
MDH provides technical assistance, planning, and program implementation
Aiyo Eugene
Eugenedol Medical Centre
C/O MISS VERONICA P.O. Box 3501,ikeja,
Lagos 23401 Nigeria
Interests: General Health
Give full and concise orientation about general health.
So also give campaign against HIV/AIDS.
Florence Zawadi Mawanda
Communications Manager
Amref Italy Nairobi
P. O. Box 19425 Nairobi Kenya
Phone: 254 2 223
Interests: General Health
I am responsible for supporting the Rome and Milan office in
developing health communication material primarily for fundraising
AMREF is a research and health organization headquartered in Kenya.
Its priorities are clinical outreach, disaster management, water and
sanitation, reproductive health, malaria and HIV.
cameroon community empowerment and dev`t
Phone: (237) 7883532
Interests: General Health
We carry out community sencitization on health, Nutrition,,
sanitation and hygiene domestic violence environmental hazards,
infectious disease especially HIV/AIDS. We also do mass and adult
education , improve the welfare of the disadvantaged by promoting and
protecting their human rights, We empower communities to act sustainable
in development program and projects.
Afolabi Tope
Life At Last
58, Aderemi Road Ile-Ife
Ile-Ife OSUN STATE 234 Nigeria
Phone: 036-233272
Interests: Environment
My mission is to enlighten people on HIV/AIDS and the ways of
eradicating it in the society.
Mrs Kehinde
Aikomo of medical social work department of the Lagos
University Teaching Hospital, Idi-Araba, Lagos State,
Nigeria.My e-mail address is .
I would like to bcos i want to share experience of
prevention and treatmnt of HIV/AIDS with professionals
all over the world.
Beth Glynn
Public Health Educator
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department
3629 South D Street, MS 414
Tacoma WA 98418-6813 USA
Phone: 253.798.2886
Interests: Environment, Nutrition, Sanitation/Hygiene
My primary responsibilities include educating the public and entities that the Health Department regulates (e.g. food service establishments) on issues related to food safety, handwashing, second hand smoke, physical activity and nutrition.
Deborah McSmith, MPH
public health consultant
3771 High Street #5
Oakland CA 94619 USA
Phone: 510.336.9171
Interests: HIV/AIDS related trainings
Ann Covalt
consulting science writer
4501 16th St., N.
Arlington VA 22207 USA
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, General Health,
Environment, Infectious Diseases, Nutritition, Gynecology & Obstetrics,
Sanitation/Hygiene, Domestic Violence
Write, edit, and research science and health materials for diverse audiences,
from technical experts to the general public. Expertise in annual and
technical reports, proposals, newsletters, press releases, website materials, and
other communications. Award-winning publications.
Maulik Baxi
Taxila - Center for Medical Reforms and Re
A/6, Everest Flats, opp. CSMCRI,
Bhavnagar, Gujarat India
Phone: 91-
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, General Health,
Environment, Infectious Diseases, Nutritition, Sanitation/Hygiene,
Domestic Violence
Raising awareness among society about complex health issues and its direct and indirect consequences on various aspects of life.
Aameenah Yunus
Reducing Maternal Mortality
Personal Project
88/90 Opebi Road, Ikeja
Lagos State
P. O. Box 1426 Ikeja
Phone: 234-01-4973033
Interests: Reproductive Health, Gynecology & Obstetrics
It has been noticed that majority of the maternal mortality in my
community are caused by lack of knowledge, lack of comprehensive
pre-natal care i.e lamaze classes etc. thus I've decided to get
involved and help create all these facilities.
P.O.BOX 5771,
ILORIN. 240001
234 31 226468
Sandeep Kumar Mittal
Project Coordinator
Society for education in health and allied
# 664, Sector 41-A Chandigarh
UT 160036 India
Phone: 91-172-9814016640
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, Domestic Violence
Presently I am coordinating the targeted intervention project on
HIV/AIDS and STDs/RTI awareness and prevention among migratory
population/commercial sex workers.
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