Update #58: Feb 4th, 2004
- Youth Broadcasting Project--Somalia
- Article: Media Strategies for Promoting Gender Violence Free Society in Nepal
- Article: The Effectiveness of Entertainment Mass Media in Changing Behavior
- Using the Media: Getting Population and Reproductive Health into the Pacific Media (Preview Booklet)
- Publication: How to Create an Effective Communication Project
- New HCMN Members
Youth Broadcasting Project--Somalia
A programme to develop locally-based radio and video broadcasts for, with, and by
young people designed to prompt dialogue to the end of resolving issues at the local
level. Members of youth groups between the ages of 14 and 24 are trained in radio and
video production. They interview community members to gather perspectives on various
social and health issues and then produce their own broadcasts. The programmes focus
on a wide range of issues that are relevant to youth, such as HIV/AIDS, hygiene, immunisation,
female genital mutilation, cholera, children's rights, and peace and reconciliation.
They provide information while portraying issues in a local context and drawing
attention to misconceptions that community members might have. Young participants
often venture into their communities to interview citizens to highlight what people think
and why they make the choices they do about these issues.
Tisha Wheeler
Project Developer, Youth Broadcasting Project, UNICEF SOMALIA
P.O. Box 44145
Nairobi, KENYA
Tel.: 254-2-623950
Fax: 254-2-623965
Julia Spry Leverton
UNICEF Somalia Communication Officer
Media Strategies for Promoting Gender Violence Free Society in Nepal
by Ms. Banda Rana
Ms. Rana argues that it is only through "effective media interventions that we can help society
to deal honestly with the problem, ensure justice and support to the victims, and enforce
sanctions against the perpetrators." In 1996, Sancharika Samuha (SAS) was formed to mainstream
gender issues in the media with the goal of promoting "Communication for Equality". In this article,
Ms. Rana describes several ways in which SAS has used media to combat gender violence in Nepal.
The Effectiveness of Entertainment Mass Media in Changing Behaviour
by William N. Ryerson
Why does entertainment-education work? What makes this methodology such a powerful tool to
positively change human behavior on a mass scale? In this paper, Ryerson describes the effects of entertainment-education serial dramas on public health in Mexico, India, Kenya and Tanzania.
Using the Media: Getting Population and Reproductive Health
into the Pacific Media (Preview Booklet)
The media are crucial in getting across messages about population and reproductive health issues.
In a number of Pacific Island countries, for example, research shows that the radio is by far the
most common way for women to hear about family planning. Media are also important for raising
the profile of an issue and building support for change. This booklet looks at ways of getting free
publicity _ in the news, in letters columns or as a guest on a talk show. Although the examples are
from the areas of reproductive health and population, the booklet will be just as useful to those
working on other issues. Secretariat of the Pacific Community with funding from UNFPA, 1999.
Source: The Development Gateway
How to Create an Effective Communication Project:
Using the AIDSCAP Strategy to Develop Successful Behavior Change Interventions
The AIDS Control and Prevention (AIDSCAP) Project
This handbook, developed by FHI's AIDSCAP's Behavior Change Communication (BCC)
unit, is part of a collection of nine handbooks that discuss concepts in behavior change
communication (BCC) in relation to HIV/AIDS/STI issues.
"How to Create an Effective Communication Project" is designed to guide readers through
the development of behavior change communication (BCC) projects using a strategy
developed by the AIDS Control and Prevention (AIDSCAP) Project of Family Health
International. The strategy is illustrated by eight levels in a Communication Pyramid
designed to help readers identify the information needed, the questions to ask and the
actions to take.
New HCMN Members
Terry Savage
Vice President, Communications
Eagle Design & Management, Inc.
7830 Old Georgetown Road, Suite 300
Bethesda MD 20814 USA
Eagle Design & Management, Inc., develops and disseminates health communication
materials on a variety of topics, including eye diseases and disorders, healthy vision,
diabetes, digestive diseases, kidney and urologic diseases, cancer, oral health, and
complementary and alternative medicine.
Nirupama Sarma
Media/Communications Consultant
Tel: 91-80-24
Interests: I am an India-based communications consultant with 15 years'
experience that includes working with multilateral agencies such as the UN as well as
bilateral agencies such as Danida, FHI, CIDA and USAID. My work is mainly in
the area of health (HIV/AIDS) and child rights. My core experience is in
strategy development, campaign implementation, research, training, media
advocacy, material development and documentation. Look forward to sharing
ideas and experiences with other members of the network.
Dr.Yupayong Hangchaovanich (OB-GYN doctor)
Thai Breastfeeding Aliance
782/2 Soi Petkasem 3, Petkasem Road
Bangkok Yai Bangkok
10600 Thailand
Phone: 662-4721305
I have been working on breast-feeding for the last ten years.
Starting from my current hospital ( Charoenkrung Pracharak Hospital ) where I have
been helping and developing breast-feeding practices. The outcome of this effort had
been such that my hospital had been designated to be the BFHI, the first one of five
hospitals in my country.
I am also working on breast-feeding in the part of NGO being the chairperson since 1998.
TBFA is an informal volunteer group comprising individuals who are working on or
interested in breast-feeding and infant feeding issues either in a personal or professional
capacity , most of them being doctors and nurses.It was founded in 1997. Most of our activities
are: training breastfeeding for health care workers. This year we plan to set the training
course titled "Training for the trainers for breastfeeding management " all over the country.
The materials that we will produce are module of training and media of breastfeeding which
focus on technique of breastfeeding skill and this will give to the participants to use for further
training in their hospitals. I will be pleased if someone will advise how to do or sharing the
materials to us.
Best regards,
Usep Solehudin
Klinik Remaja YPI (Youth Clinic)
Jl. Peruk No.6 Bukit Duri Puteran
Jakarta Selatan 12840
Phone: 62-21-8296163
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, Infectious Diseases
Education, prevention, and care related to Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS,
and Harm Reduction of IDUs
Ph D scholar
NEW DELHI 110008
Phone: 9810756738
Interests: Adolescent Health, General Health, Nutrition, and Sanitation/Hygiene
Linda Portsmouth
Coordinator Master of Health Communication
School of Public Health
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Perth 6845
Western Australia
Phone: (08) 92
Fax: (08) 98
Room: 400.455
Science with a Mission
602 Massapoag Avenue
Sharon, MA 02067
website: http://www.sciencewithamission.org
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