Update #59: Feb 17th, 2004
- Fourth Annual Conference on Entertainment-Education
- Using the Media: Getting Population and Reproductive Health into the Pacific Media
- Brochure: The Social Marketing Approach to PMTCT
- Featured Website: eHealth International
- UPDATED: The New P-Process
- Lecture: Using Stories to Prompt Attitude and Behavior Change
- Handbook: How to Create an Effective Communication Project
- New HCMN Members
EE4: Community and Context
Fourth Annual Conference on Entertainment-Education
Where: South Africa
When: September 26-30 2004
Website: www.ee4.org
Infusing Educational Messages into Entertaining Formats Links Creative
Talent with Science-based Professionals; 2004 Entertainment-Education Conference
Provides Forum To Advance Field
CAPE TOWN, South Africa - Public health professionals will rub elbows with scriptwriters,
directors, and producers this fall at the Fourth Annual Conference on Entertainment-
Education in the Western Cape, South Africa (www.ee4.org).
This year's conference will be held September 26th through the 30th and the principal
organizer is the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for
Communication Programs (CCP), which sponsored and organized the last three
conferences. Other organizers include South Africa-based Soul City, the Health
Communication Partnership (HCP), Netherlands Entertainment Education Foundation,
Ohio University, DramAidE, and CADRE. HCP is a team of five leading institutions
supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and led by CCP.
Entertainment-education, or "E-E," is the practice of using mass entertainment as a vehicle
to deliver public health or other educational messages. Radio shows, rock concerts, live
theater, local folk media, or television dramas are all forms of entertainment-education, which
has become a standard component of strategic health communication. CCP, one of the leaders
in the field, helps developing countries with accurate health messages, while scriptwriters
make sure the material is entertaining.
Titled "EE4: Community and Context" this year's conference will explore traditional forms
of communication including storytelling, songs, and drama alongside mass communication
Please visit www.ee4.org to view this year's program, register to attend, or submit an abstract.
To find out more, contact Kim Martin at -6140.
Using the Media: Getting Population and Reproductive Health into the Pacific Media
(Preview Booklet)
The media are crucial in getting across messages about population and reproductive health
issues. In a number of Pacific Island countries, for example, research shows that the radio is
by far the most common way for women to hear about family planning. Media are also
important for raising the profile of an issue and building support for change. This booklet
looks at ways of getting free publicity _ in the news, in letters columns or as a guest on a
talk show. Although the examples are from the areas of reproductive health and population,
the booklet will be just as useful to those working on other issues. Secretariat of the Pacific
Community with funding from UNFPA, 1999.
Brochure: The Social Marketing Approach to PMTCT. *************************************************
A brochure published by Population Services International's (PSI) AIDSMark project
and funded by USAID examines how social marketing can be used to implement
successful prevention of mother to child HIV transmission (PMTCT) programs.
"The Social Marketing Approach to PMTCT" profiles PROFAM, a PSI project in
Uganda which uses a branded franchise network of trained midwives to help pregnant
women reduce transmission risk during birth. The midwives are also trained on HIV testing
procedures and counseling skills. PSI's Espwa Lavi franchised referral network in Haiti
gives women increased access to range of higher-quality health services. PSI/Haiti also
works with traditional birth attends to educate their communities and refer clients to
network sites for counseling, testing and delivery.
Featured Website: eHealth International
eHealth International is online journal about the use of electronic information and
telecommunications technologies to support long distance clinical health care, patient and
professional health-related education, public health and health administration.
UPDATED: The New P-Process
The Health Communication Partnership (HCP) has updated and revised the P-Process, a tool
that guides health communication professionals as they develop strategic communication
programs. The P-Process leads communication professionals step by step from a loosely
defined concept about changing a certain health behavior to a strategic program with a
measurable impact among the target audience. It is used to develop communication programs
addressing a wide range of health topics such as encouraging safer sexual behavior to
prevent HIV transmission, promoting childhood immunization efforts, or advocating for
policy changes that will improve health care delivery.
Using Stories to Prompt Attitude and Behavior Change
This lecture explores the the Entertainment Education (E-E) approach to communication
for development. E-E uses stories to influence behaviour.
Following a discussion of the origins of E-E, examples are presented. For example, one field
experiment in Tanzania involving 204 episodes of AIDS-related radio programming focussed
on AIDS and related family planning/family practice themes. There was a 600% increase in
condom distribution in treatment vs. a 140% increase in control communities over 3 years.
Slater discusses factors influencing success of such programmes, like intensive formative
research and pretesting of issues, characters, and story lines; negative, positive, and
transitional role models who are similar but socially appealing; and use of epilogues. This
approach, Slater claims, is well-suited to developing countries with fewer competing media
HANDBOOK: How to Create an Effective Communication Project:
Using the AIDSCAP Strategy to Develop Successful Behavior Change Interventions
This handbook, developed by FHI's AIDSCAP's Behavior Change Communication (BCC) unit,
is part of a collection of nine handbooks that discuss concepts in behavior change
communication (BCC) in relation to HIV/AIDS/STI issues.
"How to Create an Effective Communication Project" is designed to guide readers through the
development of behavior change communication (BCC) projects using a strategy developed
by the AIDS Control and Prevention (AIDSCAP) Project of Family Health International. The
strategy is illustrated by eight levels in a Communication Pyramid designed to help readers
identify the information needed, the questions to ask and the actions to take.
New HCMN Members
Julie Whittard
Health Advocates Niagara
9 Marquis St St Catharines
Ont L2R4Y5 Canada
Development of an on-line, non-medical health-related learning tool for literate
Divakar Damodaranswamy
Public Relations Consultant
'Ghatala Towers', 19 Avenue Road
Nungambakkak, Chennai
Tamil Nadu 600034 India
Phone: 91-98401-51596
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, General Health, Environment,
Infectious Diseases, Nutritition, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Sanitation/Hygiene,
Domestic Violence
KEYSTONE PUBLIC RELATIONS is a small, highly focused public relations outfit
based in the city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu State, India.
Our work focuses on health communication and related PR. Currently, we consult for
one of the worlds prestigious and premier Ayurvedic Institution based in Tamil Nadu.
We would be interested in sharing and carrying out work regarding any health,
community and developmental communication in this part of India.
KEYSTONE PUBLIC RELATIONS has the knowledge, experience and skills sets,
especially in reaching rural areas and the districts.
John-Manuel Andriote
HIV/AIDS Communications
1825 Florida Ave. NW, Unit 11
Washington DC 20009 USA
Phone: 202.387.5145
Interests: Infectious Diseases
Senior-level communications professional (journalist, author, speaker, freelance writer/
editor) specializing in producing materials (fact sheets, brochures, articles, reports, web
content)focused on domestic U.S. HIV/AIDS issues since the 1980s, and global HIV/
AIDS since 2001. Author of Victory Deferred: How AIDS Changed Gay Life in America
(University of Chicago Press, 1999), hailed by Kirkus Reviews as "the most important
AIDS chronicle since Randy Shilts' And the Band Played On." Former senior editor for
Family Health International's Institute for HIV/AIDS.
Raymond Yaw Gockah
University of Ghana
P.O.Box L.G 13,Legon
Accra Ghana
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