Update #60: March 18th, 2004
- Ontario Health Promotion e-Bulletin
- Member Inquiry: from Michael Camit
- An e-guide to science communication
- Animated Condom PSAs
- Online survey to access the need and feasibility of an online training module
- Youth Media Project on Suicide - Kyrgyz Republic
- Research Brief Highlighting Promise of Technology use for addressing Youth
- Report Examines Three Adolescent Reproductive Health Programs in Africa
- New HCMN Members
Learning" Health Promotion: Many Journeys, Many Paths
I Introduction
II Defining Health Promotion
III What is Needed?
IV Where Do We Learn?
V Learning Opportunities
VI Continuing Education
VII Distance Learning
VIII Conclusion
IX References
Member Inquiry: from Michael Camit
I am planning to go to Europe and the USA and want to visit organisations that have conducted successful multlingual health communication/social marketing campaigns (in a predominantly English speaking country).Can you help? I work as Campaigns coordinator in Sydney, Australia for the State Health department
Michael Camit
Marketing Communication Coordinator
NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service
GPO 1614
Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: +61 2 98
Fax: +61 2 97
Please Contact Michael Camit directly
An e-guide to science communication
Dear colleagues,
A new resource from the Science and Development Network
An e-guide to science communication
"Today, no nation that wants to shape informed policies and take
effective action can afford to be without its own independent
capacity in science and technology. The Science and Development
Network offers up-to-date information on science-related issues
and the developing world."
Kofi Annan, secretary-general of the United Nations, Science, 13
February 2004
This week, as Kofi Annan calls for more attention to be paid to
building capacity in science and technology, the Science and De-
velopment Network (SciDev.Net) is delighted to announce the
launch of a new e-guide on science communication:
The e-guide is a 'one-stop shop' providing both original arti-
cles and links to the best material elsewhere. Designed to in-
spire dialogue, it will grow as registrants from across the
globe add their own resources and tips. Wherever you are in the
world, if you are interested in communicating information about
science more effectively, this is the guide for you. It already
contains a wide range of indispensable information:
* Practical guidance on reporting on science, dealing with the
media, interacting with policymakers and organising events
* Opinion and analysis on the use of science communication in
development and on communicating science to the media and public
* A wide range of contacts, with details on international, re-
gional and national science journalism, science communication
organisations and related e-mail lists.
For further information or to get in touch with our contributors,
please contact
Barbara Keating
Tel.: +44-20-7291-3693
Use of the e-guide to science communication (and the rest of the
site) is free. However, visitors need to register with
SciDev.Net in order to access e-guide. You can register easily
and quickly at:
Animated Condom PSAs
A series of twenty Public Service Announcements (PSA's) in the form of
comedic sketches, featuring three animated, talking condoms have been
created by some 80 volunteers in Canada, India and South Africa. The PSA's
are available for distribution by writing to . .
The PSA's use the images of three condoms, Shaft, Dick and Stretch, to
convey through comedy the important message of using condoms to stop the
spread of HIV/AIDS. The Producers and creators are two individuals from
Canada and South Africa and Archbishop Desmond Tutu is a strong supporter of
the project.. Further information can be found at www.thethreeamigos.org.
Firdaus J. Kharas
Tel: (613) 820-6121
Fax: (613) 820-4679
Online survey to access the need and feasibility of an online training module
Dear Development Colleagues:
Greetings from Athens, Ohio! We at the Communication and Development Studies
programme [ http://www.ohio.edu/commdev/ ] at Ohio University in our continued
quest to provide up-to-date knowledge to culturally diverse and geographically dispersed
population are planning to offer on-line training in communication for social change.
The purpose of this online training is to serve the needs of working professionals like
you and your staff, who would like to enhance your knowledge on contemporary issues
as you continue to work toward improving the lives of the disadvantaged people worldwide.
We at Communication and Development Studies understand that not everybody has
the time or the resources to pursue a full-time on-campus Master's degree. In our effort to
broaden our reach, we feel that an online course supplemented with other media such as a
CDROM would be one of the ways in which we can mutually fulfill our goals * making a
difference in the society through training and practice.
Presently, in partnership with Communication Initiative, we are conducting an online survey
to access the need and feasibility of an online training module that would best fit the
requirements of communication and development practitioners worldwide.
We would appreciate if you can devote a few minutes to fill out this survey and also if you
could forward this survey to professionals who may participate in such a course.
The survey is available at http://www.comminit.com/ohio_survey.php
Thanks for filling out the survey at http://www.comminit.com/ohio_survey.php and we
hope you stay in touch with us!
Best wishes
Ketan Chitnis
Doctoral Student & Team leader CommDev Online Project
RTV 097-B, School of Telecommunication
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701
Youth Media Project on Suicide - Kyrgyz Republic
Young students associated with the Children's Media Center (CMC) in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic have worked to produce articles and a video on the issue of suicide among youth. The purpose of the project was to increase public awareness of the issue, as well as to change the minds of youth considering suicide as a solution to their problems...
Source: Communications Initiative
Information & Communications Technology: Web sites, CD-ROMs &
On-line Educational Projects Hold Promise for Youth
According to this research brief, technology resources like e-mail, CD-ROMS, listserves, the internet, radio and television have been used successfully by professionals working with reproductive health and HIV prevention programmes in developing countries. As "young people typically embrace the use of technology for entertainment, learning, and communication", these same resources may hold great promise for involving youth in these health programmes as well...
Source: Communications Initiative
Report Examining Three Adolescent Reproductive Health Programs in Africa
PSI and PRB have released the French version of "Changing Youth Behavior through Social Marketing": Le Marketing Social: Au Service de la Transformation du Comportement des Jeunes
Report Examines Three Adolescent Reproductive Health Programs in Africa
The French version of the report "Changing Youth Behavior through Social Marketing: Program Experiences and Research Findings from Cameroon, Madagascar, and Rwanda" has been released by Population Services International (PSI) and the Population Reference Bureau. The report describes the implementation, evaluation and impact of the 100% Jeune, Top R‚seau and Centre Dushishoze programs, three PSI youth-oriented programs, and offers a thorough lessons learned section. The PSI programs, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, brought "youth-friendly" reproductive health services to young people and used mass media campaigns to improve self-efficacy, healthy behavior and correct and consistent condom use. For the report in French, visit http://www.psi.org/resources/prb-brc-FR.html
For the English report, visit http://www.psi.org/resources/prb-brc.html
New HCMN Members
Lisa Russell
Governess Films
630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 415
New York NY 10036 USA
Interests: Reproductive Health
I am a documentary filmmaker in NYC that has a background in international
public health and media advocacy, which I now use to make independent
documentary spotlighting important international issues.
Dr. Anil Chandran
Chirathalackal House,
Kuthirakulam, Vembay
Kerala 695615 India
Phone: 91-472-2833978
Interests: Reproductive Health, General Health, Environment
I am working as a Research Associate in a IDPAD funded project on Health
Inequality in Kerala India. My areas of interest include, health, aging and
reproductive health
Deeksha Sharma
infant and mother health and nutrition
organization = banasthali vidyapith
room no-4, sarvodaya chok,shanta kuteer
Banasthali vidyapith Rajasthan 304022 India
Interests: Reproductive Health, Nutritition
I am working on rural mother and infant health and nutrition as also on infant feeding
practices from three years. I am a research scholar in community nutrition.
Executive manager
STIL Productions
Eminescu str., 55
Chisinau, 2012, Republic of Moldova
Phone/Fax - +(373)69141986/+(37322)225645
The organization that I represent intend to launch a program in media
(TV & radio) of health communication on prevention of cancer. In our
country is an absolute lack of cancer prevention programs, so we
decided to make a social program of this kind. We want to know if
there are some similar experiences in other countries, to share
information and to share the results of this campaign. That's why, I
think, it would be nice for us to participate in you program.
Rames Paulus
Retail Alliance Marketing Co., Inc.
28169 Lahser Road
Southfield MI 48034 US
Interests: Dissemination and distribution of Public Service
We have developed a dissemination medium exclusively for government
agencies, non-profits, community coalitions,
and other agencies involved in issues of health, education, prevention,
and outreach.
Our contribution to HCMN is centered on marketing opportunities emerging
Through our networking with end using businesses.
Shannon MASON
Coordinatrice des Actions de Prevention
Centre Hospitalier de l'Ouest Guyanais
BP 245
Saint-Laurent du MARONI
97393 French Guyana
Phone: 0
Elsa Scholte
media and communication advisor
PAHO Suriname /WHO
Burenstraat 33 P.O. Box 1863
Tel. +597 -
Fax. +597 - 471568
I am currently working as a communication advisor for WHO. In this respect I undertake
many activities in the field of Health Communication. I may contribute to the network by
adding Material that we produced and experiences to the database.
Michael Camit
Multicultural Health Communication Service
GPO 1614 Sydney
NSW 2001 Australia
Phone: +61 2 98
State government funded service that provides multilingual health information and
develops multilingual social marketing campaigns. Visit www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au
to download FREE multlingual health info in most health topics in up to 35 languages
K.Ilango Samuel Peter
Ambathurai Dindigul Dt
Tamilnadu India
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, General Health, Environment,
Infectious Diseases, Nutrition, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Sanitation/Hygiene,
Domestic Violence
--Produce IEC materials on rural Health
--Conduct Health Education training
Bethuel Oduo
Marketing Manager
Picasso Productions Ltd
P.O.Box 54911-00200
Nairobi 00200
Phone: 254-2-734949060
I am the Marketing Manager of a biotechnology newspaper www.biosafetynews.com
We also produce Video documentaries on biltech news, Agriculture and Health
news especially HIV/Aids awareness campaigns in East Africa.
Rasheed Adebimpe
Youth Alliance For Empowerment
Block 5,Rabiatu Thompson Crescent
Surulere Lagos state 101014 Nigeria
Phone: 234-1-834714
Interests: Reproductive Health , Adolescent Health, General Health, Infectious Diseases, Sanitation/Hygiene
youth empowerment, child trafficking, HIV/AIDS pandemics, drug abuse and etc.
Dr. Vinod Scaria
Center for Cybermedicine and Internet Rese
perumcheril Calicut kerala 673009 India
Phone: +91 09847465452
Interests: General Health, Infectious Diseases
--Conceptualised and created low cost Medical Information Dissemination tools like MedSMS, which uses short text messaging
--Conceptualised EpiCenter- an online Epidemic Information and Alert Service.
--Created the E-Health Adversities Research Database [E-HARD]-One of the premier databases which systematically collect and publish evidence regarding Adverse effects due to E-Health applications with emphasis on Internet health Information
--Conceptualised and created Medlib-Medical Libraries on the Internet, the largest Index of Medical Library websites and was featured in British Medical Journal Netlines early January .
--Conceptualised and created VirtualMed- a directory of authentic medical resources on the Internet,and associated directories-Cybermedicine and Medical informatics.VirtualMed is the top ranking Indian Medical Gateway.
--Created MedicalInformatics - a directory of Medical Informatics resources
My Personal Webpage [http://www.drvinod.netfirms.com]
VirtualMed-The Medical Resource Portal [http://www.virtualmed.netfirms.com]
MedLib-Medical Libraries on the Net [http://www.medlib.netfirms.com]
MedLib Weblog on Medical Libraries [http://www.medliblog.blogspot.com]
Asian Student Medical Journal [http://www.asmj.netfirms.com ]
Internet Health[ http://internethealth.thehealthzone.com]
Medical student Network [http://www.medstudent.netfirms.com]
Calicut Medical College Network [http://www.cmcnetwork.netfirms.com]
CyberMedicine[http://www.cybermedicine.netfirms.com ]
Medupdates weblog [http://www.medupdates.blogspot.com]
Odyssey Online http://www.cmcmag.netfirms.com [http://www.odyssey.150m.com]
Internet Medicine Weblog: [http://internetmedicine.blogspot.com]
Lia Lairing
program officer
CWS Indonesia
Jl. Batu putih no 25 Makasar
Makasar Sulsel 90000 Indonesia
Phone: 0411-872294
Interests: General Health, Environment, Nutrition, and Sanitation/Hygiene
We work for increasing the nutritional status for urban people in makassar throught improoving higyene and sanitation and health and nutrition called Transitional activity program.
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