Update #66: July 30, 2004
Information and Communication Technologies for the Developing World, Health Communication Insights #1
http://www.hcpartnership.org/Publications/Insights/ICT/ICT.pdf - (You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to access this document)
This new series from the Health Communication Partnership explores issues related to advances in strategic health communication. The premier issue focuses on the use of information and communication technologies in the developing world.
Source: POP Reporter
Nominations open for the 2004 FSF Award for the Advancement of Free Software
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) and the GNU project have requested nominations for the 2004 FSF Award for the Advancement of Free Software. The award will be given to a person who has made a great contribution to the progress and development of Free Software.
Source: Development Gateway
Management of Behaviour Change Communication Interventions
Start Date: November 23, 2004
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Event Details: The course focuses on the managerial aspects of Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) interventions. Emphasis is placed on understanding the theoretical and analytical basis for BCC, and the consequent planning and management interventions including monitoring and evaluation.
During the course participants will produce a radio spot to be used as a practical example for the planning and management of BCC projects. Cultural, social, economic and political factors influencing individual's choices and behaviours in relation to health, prevention of diseases and seeking of treatment will be analysed. On the basis of this, participants will learn how to plan, manage, monitor and evaluate results oriented BCC strategies and programmes. The course consists of in-house sessions, practical assignments and field trips.
Learning Objectives
After the course, participants should be able to:
- Identify substantial elements of the cultural, social, political and economic factors underlying health behaviour and behaviour change;
- Analyse behavioural aspects of health problems, the context, target groups and their social environments as well as the target groups' use of communication media to enable effective planning and management of BCC interventions;
- Understand the strategic use of mass and interpersonal communication approaches and their role in inducing behaviour change;
- Understand the significance of each stage in BCC projects from analysis, conception and development, to strategic planning and management including monitoring and evaluation;
- Plan BCC strategies for the improvement of health of targeted population groups based on sound analysis data;
- Prepare monitoring and evaluation plans for BCC activities.
Registration Details:
Course fee: US$1500
Contact Information:
Asia Pacific Development Communication Centre (ADCC)
Dhurakijpundit University
110/1-4 Prachachuen Road
Laksi, Bangkok
10210, Thailand
Tel: 66 2 954-9512
Fax: 66 2 591-3154
ADCC Website : http://www.dpu.ac.th/adcc/
Source: Communication Initiative
Health Informatics Southern Africa (HISA) 2004 Conference
October 6, 2004 - October 8, 2004
Location: Kimberley, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Organized by South African Health Informatics Association.
Conference Theme: "Cost Effective Health Informatics Initiatives for Southern Africa."
Contact: Patty von Luiters:
New sections on "Awards" and "Resource Mobilisation" on Soul Beat Africa
In response to requests from users in the Soul Beat Africa network, Soul Beat Africa is happy to announce two new sections - Awards and Resource Mobilisation. Soul Beat Africa is a sister site of The Communication Initiative focusing specifically on information for and from Africa.
Under Awards you will find fellowships, scholarships, awards, prizes, contest and internship opportunities that may be open to communicators in Africa - http://www.comminit.com/africa/awards-2004.html
In Resource Mobilisation you will find grants, funds and donation programmes - http://www.comminit.com/africa/resource-mobilisation-2004.html
Games For Training
INSA-India is conducting a Workshop on GAMES FOR TRAINING from the 5th to the 6th of August, 2004 in Bangalore. This workshop will energize trainers, managers and other staff of projects to use innovative games to enliven, reinforce and educate communities
Event: The Technology of Performance Improvement
How We Get Results
Take Part in a Compelling Full-Day, Interactive Event Free to participants; sponsored by USAID
A focus on results: Learn what works best and how to use it Performance Improvement is a systematic process for analyzing the gaps between desired and actual performance, determining causes for the gaps, choosing a potential solution, managing the application of solutions, and evaluating outcomes to ensure that the solutions have worked. At this event, you'll discover an array of effective tools for improving performance in the area of global health, and see how various projects have applied the PI approach successfully. In addition, a special guest will lead a memorable luncheon event.
Get excited, with an international PI expert "Thiagi" one of ISPI's original presidents, and the only one to be re-elected to date, kicks off the day. You can be sure Thiagi's belief that enjoyment of training supports improvement in performance will not be overlooked in his energizing opening exercise.
Work closely with cutting-edge presenters In three consecutive sessions, you can choose from a wide variety of applicable topics including "performance needs analysis," "innovative learning strategies," "applying PI to global health concerns," and more. In addition, you'll have the opportunity to spend focused time with experts on the things that interest you the most.
Crystallize essential information
Working in small groups, you'll fully explore the essential lessons learned and the most difficult "how to's."
Share the wisdom of the group
In the final session, the day's activities will come together in a meaningful way. Not only will you share ways to apply lessons learned, but you'll have the chance to tap into the experience and knowledge of the entire group as you seek advice and share experiences.
Hosted by The Public Health Institute/Population Leadership Program for USAID.
Additional support: International Society for Performance Improvement.
CA, NGO, & USAID staff & PI professionals welcome.
September 14, 2004
The Washington Club
15 Dupont Circle
(1/2 blocks from Dupont Circle Metro, South Exit)
/onsite registration: 8:00 a.m.
End time: 5:00 p.m
Women Empowerment Through Information Technology
by Usha Sharma
This book attempts to demonstrate that ICT technologies are powerful tools for women to use to overcome discrimination, to achieve full equality and well-being, and to participate in decisions that impact the quality of their lives and the future of their communities. It is written for policy makers and development leaders to use as a reference tool to help to help mainstream gender issues in areas of technology development.
Source: The Communication Initiative
Health Journalists' Window
Provides specific support to journalists addressing development issues
Source: The Communication Initiative
New HCMN Members
Adeola Fatimo
P.O.BOX. 35458 Agodi
Ibadan, OYO
Phone: 23408055606236
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, General Health, Infectious Diseases, Nutritition
I want to be one of the HCMN member in order to create awareness among the people in the community about the importance of good health.
Basiru Wasiu Babatunde
Phone: 23408036673420
Interests: Adolescent Health
I wish to be a member of HCMN in order to mobilise people in the society for proper health care.
Golam Mourtoza
Executive Director
Centre for Communication and Development-CCD
Monafer Morh, Raninagar, Rajshahi-6204
Rajshahi, 6204
Email: or
Interests: Reproductive Health
Awareness rising, Advocacy, training, media campaign
LAGOS 100009
Interests: Reproductive Health
SAVE VISIONS AFRICA is a non-profit, non-governmental development organization (NGDO). It promotes endogenous development, and develops intervention programs aimed at alleviating the human sufferings of the impoverished Africans, with various projects in multiple intervention sectors.
Mission statement
We strive to become a factor in the integration of Africa through mobilization of independent organizations, social, political and economic to promote the democratic agenda and press home the bid for accelerated self-sustaining development. We advocate against autocratic incompetence’s that insist on power without responsibility.
We use the opportunities in our proposals and disposal to fight the high incidence of prevalent diseases ravaging Africa, among other projects, aimed at the impoverished Africans. They serve as a contribution to poverty alleviation and possible eradication, and in order for such activity to stand as a symbolic insignia to save the visions of Africa.
Ohn Clint Nsengiyumva
Directing Manager, CEO.
Christian Youth Union Foundation
Dar es salaam 0000
Phone: +255748721645
Interests: General Health
It is a pleasure to join you and assist each other in our fight to better and healthy life. Below is a briefing of our work.
I provide free counseling to HIV/AIDS patients, and instruct on how to use anti-retrovirals. I also work anti-HIV/AIDS campaigns. And I constantly deal with all related diseases in HIV/AIDS and STD, whereby I am much in contact with youth people.
My organisation is a volunteer youth non-governmental organisation and a non profit-making one, gathering youths in service to HIV positive, Indigents, and fight for better and healthy life.
M. Nasir
Muslim Town St. No.9 Near Noor Market,
Rafi Qamar Rd, Satellite Town
Bahawalpur, 63100
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, General Health
Social Help & Research Organization of Pakistan (SHAROP) NGO is a non-profit making non-governmental organization, by a group of community workers interested in the improvement of the standard of life of the disadvantage sections of the Society,particularly rural masses, HIV/AIDS, Reproductive Health through a variety of socio economic services, adopting a multi-disciplinary approach in the different social sectors of the Pakistan Economy.
Ayyaz Kiani
Health & Development Services
40-A Ramzan Plaza, G-9 Markaz
Islamabad Pakistan
Phone: +92-51-2261085
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, General Health, Environment, Infectious Diseases, Nutrition.
We are a not for profit consultancy service specializing in public policy, systems development, monitoring and evaluation, and capacity building of health personnel.
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