Update #67: August 31, 2004
The 2004 National Population Cartoon Contest
Entry deadline: Friday, Sept. 10, 2004.
Winners will be contacted the weekend of Sept. 17, 2004.
Awards ceremony will take place on Tuesday, October 5, 2004.
Population Media Center (PMC) calls for cartoons dealing with human population growth and issues affecting the quality of life. This can be: Family planning issues, Women's issues, Environmental degradation, Biodiversity, Maternal and child health, Status of women, Cartoons can deal with US population issues or global population issues…etc
Cartoons published between January 1, 2000 and September 10, 2004 are eligible!!
Eligibility Requirements
- Entries must have been published in a reputable publication in the United States by September 10, 2004.
- Applicants must be U.S. residents.
- Entries must be received by Friday, September 10, 2004. Send to:
Cartoon Contest
Population Media Center, Inc.
P.O. Box 547
Shelburne, VT 05482-0547 – USA
Questions? Contact:
Grand-prize: $7,000
Second Place: $2,000
Third Place: $1,000
Winners will be selected and notified at least two** weeks prior to awards event, held in New York City in October 2004. Winners must be present at awards ceremony to accept awards. Winning entries will be on display at the awards event in New York City.
For full contest details please visit: http://www.populationmedia.org/cartooncontest/index.html
INFOLAC Web Prize for Education Portals
For the best educational website portals in Latin America. The winner of the USD $4,000 award will be announced in January 2005. Other awards will be given for the second place ($2,000) and for the third place ($1,000). In addition, a special prize ($1,000) will be given to the best web page for training instructors.
Deadline: Oct 15 2004
Source Communications Initiative
New online resource for health communication practitioners
Peer review of experiences and ideas is crucial for supporting and improving communication actions. Health e Communication (http://www.comminit.com/healthecomm/) now provides easy access to a growing collection of case studies, planning models, research and evaluation documents, and lectures and speeches submitted and peer reviewed by health communication practitioners around the world. The virtual process aims to build a practitioner and policy maker perspective on the most valuable ideas and information that support health and development communication work.
Health e Communication allows people to:
- submit the resources they find most useful;
- assess the resources others have submitted;
- share ideas on what works and why; and
- generate an evolving collective perspective around resources, approaches, and trends in Health Communication
Health e Communication provides reference tools such as the Top 10's page, which lists the top ten resources rated for their usefulness and impact by health practitioners, and Quick Lists, which provides quick cross referencing between core health and development issues. Documents are organized around four major areas: (1) Case Studies & Experiences; (2) Planning & Thinking; (3) Research & Evaluation; and (4) Lectures & Speeches. Visitors to the site are encouraged to submit resources and participate in occasional opinion polls and discussion forums.
Health e Communication was developed by the Health Communication Partnership (HCP) and The Communication Initiative. It is based on the advice and comments of a world wide group of health communication practitioners who provided essential input during its pilot phase. HCP is supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development, and includes Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs, the Academy for Educational Development, Save the Children, The International HIV/AIDS Alliance and Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
2nd Annual International Photoshare Photo Contest!
Sponsored by The INFO Project and Nikon.
Do you have photos of programs in action and the people you serve? Pictures illustrating the realities of urban and rural life in developing countries? Snapshots from your personal travels, volunteer service, or work experience? You may have an award-winning photo!
Participants may submit one photo per category:
- Family Planning and Reproductive Health
- HIV/AIDS Education, Treatment, and Prevention
- Environment
- Agricultural and Economic Development
- Democracy and Governance
- Humanitarian Assistance
- Open Category
- Global Health
- Open Category
- Human Interest
- 1st Place/Best of Show: $300 USD
- 2nd Place: $150 USD
- 3rd Place: $75 USD
- Photoshare Image of the Year: Matted and framed photo.
- Photoshare Contributor of the Year: Nikon 3.2Megapixel CoolPix 3700 Digital Camera with a 3X Zoom Lens, USB Interface, Audio/Video Output, Rechargeable Li-ion Battery, Nikon View Software, and 16MB SD memory card.
All category winners will receive a certificate. Winning photos and photographers will be featured at the INFO booth at the American Public Health Association (APHA) conference in Washington D.C., November 2004. Entries and winners will also be featured on the Photoshare and INFO websites, e-list, and promotional materials.
For entry guidelines, entry form and further information, please visit:http://www.infoforhealth.org/photosharecontest04.shtml
Questions? Contact:
David Alexander or Lavina Velasco
Photoshare - A Service of The INFO Project
111 Market Place, Suite 310
Baltimore, MD 21202 USA
Photoshare is a service of The INFO Project helping non-profit organizations communicate global health and development issues through photography. By facilitating photo sharing among colleagues in international development, Photoshare has become a leading source for editorial development photography. The Photoshare collection, consisting primarily of photos taken by public health professionals in the field, contains more than 7,000 images illustrating the realities of urban and rural life in developing countries, as well as global efforts to improve and save lives. Our popular on-line photo database, available at www.photoshare.org through the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs, serves many major government institutions and international NGOs.
The 2004 Photoshare Photo Contest is sponsored in part by Nikon.
New Report: Assessing Hygiene Improvement - Guidelines for Household and Community Levels
EHP is pleased to announce the publication of a new report: "Assessing Hygiene Improvement - Guidelines for Household and Community Levels."
Hygiene Improvement is a comprehensive approach to prevent childhood diarrhea through a combination of three elements: improving access to water and sanitation hardware and household technologies; promoting hygiene; and strengthening the enabling environment to ensure the sustainability of hygiene improvement activities.
The report, "Assessing Hygiene Improvement - Guidelines for Household and Community Levels," provides current information about indicators and data collection instruments necessary to evaluate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene interventions. The Guidelines describe 66 indicators and propose approximately 360 model survey questions for measuring hygiene improvement comprehensively at the household and community levels, and at institutions such as schools and health facilities.
The purpose of the Guidelines is to help program planners and managers design, implement and evaluate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene interventions.
The Guidelines will help users, for example, conduct a situation analysis and needs assessment, develop a performance monitoring plan with indicators and data collection instruments, or establish a baseline for current hygiene practices and develop a behavior change and communications strategy. These guidelines and instruments are not intended as blueprints, but rather as a menu to choose from and adapt according to the field context and user's needs.
The Guidelines are available in three formats:
For a hard copy, or an interactive, hyperlinked, Microsoft Word format on a CD-ROM, email:
For a PDF of the report, go to http://www.ehproject.org/PDF/Strategic_papers/SR-8-HISGPaperVersion.pdf
New Members
Zulfikar Gorar
PHC Program, Ministry of Health
Gorar House, A-78 , Qasimabad, phase 1
Hyderabad, Sindh
71000 Pakistan
Phone: 092-0221-650650
Interests: Reproductive Health
I am a M&E officer at provincial level. I work for MoH in its largest and most successful outreach PHC program named, "NATONAL PROGRAM FOR FAMILY PLANNING AND PRIMARY HEALTH CARE"
It provides,preventive , promotive and curative services to almost 70% rural and urban slum dwellers of Pakistan. It does so by recruiting, training and deploying willing CHWs called as Lady Health Workers.
Kate K. Thomas
Community Partnership Coordinator
Center for Cultural Diversity in Healthcare
750 Highland Ave, 4243 HSLC
Madison WI
53705 USA
Phone: 608.261.1939
Minority health and health disparities, community-based participatory research
Mr. Muhammad Nasir
Program Officer
Social Help & Research Organization of Pak
Muslim Town Street No.9, Near Noor Market,
afi Qamar Road, Satellitetown
Bahawalpur, Punjab
63100 Pakistan
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, General Health, Infectious Diseases, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Sanitation/Hygiene, Domestic Violence
Golam Mourtoza
Executive Director
Centre for Communication and Development-CCD
Dream Paradise House, Monafer Morh, Raninagar, Rajshahi
Rajshahi, Rajshahi
6204 Bangladesh
email: or
Interests: Reproductive Health
Greeting from Centre for Communication and Development-CCD, Bangladesh!We are please to inform you that CCD, an non-government, non-profit organisation has been sincerely working for free flow of information, free press, free speech and free sprit of all the people. The organisation is committed to utilize the full power and potential of information and communication media for human well being and social gods and egalitarian society. It is a resources centre that works for ensuring effective use of the mass media and information to promote human rights, achieve good governance, women empowerment and gender equity in all level and a progressive, free and egalitarian society. CCD has been implementing several journalism, media, communication, gender, human trafficking and human rights related program.
CCD is committed to utilize the full power and potential of information and communication media to combat HIV/AIDS and other social problem and to create mass awareness as well as mobilize people against the deadly issue. Presently CCD has been implementing a project title Communication for AIDS Prevention-CAP with the assistance of CARE Bangladesh.
Nseobong Isip
Public Affairs Specialist / IEC Specialist
Gede Foundation
9, Zaire Crescent, Off Danube Street,
Maitama, Abuja
PMB 5158 Nigeria
Phone: 234 9 3
Interests: Infectious Diseases
I am the IEC Materials specialist for Gede Fooundation. Gede Foundation works through various programs to alleviate the HIV/AIDS burden in Nigeria. Our main focus is HIV/AIDS. There is also the Gede AIDS and Infectious Diseases Research Institute (GAIDRI) That does Vaccine trails and ART. We are also into counselling of HIV patients.I need to collaborate with you on the reproduction of IEC Materials, as I am new in this field. They were thinking of giving this to a Public Relations person but as one of the appendixes on the Internet said, IEC should be done by a service provider not a organisation that does not provide the health services.Please contact me and let me know how you can help me. I can send you a longer outline introducing Gede Foundation.
Thank you.
Chandrashekhar Joshi
National AIDS Research Institute (ICMR)
73-G, B.I.E., Pune, MS, India
Pune, MS, INdia
Phone: 020-27121280-414
Ibirinde Folu Francis
Executive Director
Humanitarian & Empowerment League Project
11,Oremeji Owoe Street,U-turn, Abule Egba,
Agege, Lagos
23401 Nigeria
Phone: 234-8033338310
Interests: Environment, Infectious Diseases, Sanitation/Hygiene, Domestic Violence As the name implies, we offer assistance to victims of crises, and enlightenment campaigns among youths,to promoting save and responsible life against HIV/AIDS and other habits that are injurious to their well being. This has taken us to Schools, Churches and other public places.
Meredith Nierman
WGBH Interactive
25 Western Avenue
Boston MA
02134 USA
Health education media producer at WGBH (PBS) in Boston.
Professor (Dr. ) J. S. Yadav
Communication Management Foundation (CMF)
D- 7 / 7532, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi, Delhi 110070 India
Phone: 011-2689-3614
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, General Health, Environment, Sanitation/Hygiene CMF is a non profit organization set up by quqlified and experienced media professionals & social scientists. It undertakes communication & media related studies and training assignment in the field of health communication and development.
++++++++++++++++++++++++Abdirizak Ahmed Yusuf
Las-Anod Youth Voluntary Org.(LAYVO)
Las-Anod, Somaliland
252 Somalia
Phone: 00252496313
Interests: Infectious Diseases
We work HIV/AIDS prevention in Somali youth in order to protect them the risk of HIV/aids, and also counseling, so we the this website to gain more about this virus.
Khaled Otaifi
Ministry of health & population
45 El Geesh st., Ataba
Cairo 11511 EGYPT
Phone: 06\ 02
Interests: Gynecology & Obstetrics
I am working in the Healthy Mother/Healthy Child project belonging to the ministry of health & population in cooperation with USAID , Our main goal is to reduce maternal mortality ratio in Egyptn, my job is training of the health providers in all aspects of maternal health & reproductive health based on evidence based medicine
Euginia Uyanne
Ugbowo maternanity home
Benin City Edo State
300001 Nigeria
Interests: General Health
I work as a Nurse in Ugbowo maternity home, here in Benin City.
Jennifer Hurrell
Youth Health Nurse
Bendigo Community Health Service
PO Box 169
Eaglehawk Victoria
3556 Australia Phone: 03 50
Interests: Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health
Our organisation works with the Bendigo community, providing general medical care, drug and alcohol services, counselling, allied health services, health promotion, family and child services, and youth services. My particular program works with young people (aged 12-24) who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, providing health education and support with health access, health education for youth workers, and reproductive health services for young people.
Abass Ayinla
No9 oyeniyi ikolaba ibadan
Ikolaba area
Oyo state 234
Phone: 08033955775
Interests: Environment
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