HCMN Update: August 4, 2005
- New M/MC Website - https://m-mc.org
- Topic of the Month: Safe Motherhood
- New Members
- New Resources
- What Do YOU Need?
Dear HCMN members:
This email marks the start of a new kind of communication with our network. In each email we will have the usual list of new resources and new members, but we will also feature a "Topic of the Month" section. Our first topic is Safe Motherhood.
In addition, each email will invite you to ask the rest of the network for help in your own work - please see "What do YOU need?" below.
Best regards, and keep in touch!
Susan Leibtag
1. New Media/Materials Website
Please take a moment to visit the improved Media/Materials Clearinghouse website, https://m-mc.org and tell us what you think.
We are anxious to hear your suggestions and comments.
2. Topic of the Month: Safe Motherhood
See the featured campaign from Indonesia, "Suami Siaga" and link to hundreds of other materials on the subject. Go to: https://m-mc.org
SPECIAL! See materials gathered for a Round Table on Safe Motherhood held in Nigeria in July 2004.
3. New Members
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Consultant with the Clinton Initiative for HIV/AIDS in
India. I am responsible for monitoring the development of all mass media and IPC material for HIV/AIDS
communication in India.
Communications Advisor
Médecins Sans Frontières
Berlin, Germany
As a communications advisor with Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in Gemrany I am, among others,
repsonsible for the coordination of field communciation activities which range from malaria prevention messages in the hilly South East of Bangladesh over basic hygiene messages in Chadian refugee camps to HIV/AIDS prevention messages in Lagos / Nigeria.
Director General
Research Institute for Development,Communication and School Partnership (RIDCSP)
Kumba, Cameroon
RIDCSP is involved rigorously in sensitising the masses of the rural communities in its areas of concern about the perils of HIV/AIDS.This campaign involves radio programmes organised by the latter.There is also the use of postals,circulation of leaflets to this effect.It also carries out free distribution of condoms from time to time.The population is cautioned to either abstain, be faithful in sexual relationships or to respect the use of condoms.We have dispatching campaign teams to visit the enclaved regions of the South West province of Cameroon,where the poeple know little or nothing about this pandemic and where the spread is sporadic due to ignorance.RIDCSP is calling on other organisations working in this field to spare no effort in fighting against this pandemic.
Muhammadia Welfare Society
Renala Khurd, Punjab, Pakistan
This is basically a children's school, but we are also organizing a library and working on health issues.
Health Coordinator
Christian Children's Fund
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Construct or rehabilitate health facilities. Provide start up loose drug kits. Train health staff and community resource persons on key health issues. Health messages on childhood illness, key family practices targeting mothers, children and pregnant women disgned with communities, national and district health personnel. Behave frames produced and work with community groups like youth clubs to provide behavior change communication at house-hold level. Traditional Birth Attendants and Health motivsators as mother educators, promote mother-to-mother infoirmation support, improve mother acess to health information form health units, support key family practices through house-hold appraisal and provission of disesse prevention commodities like ITNs (LLNs), Condoms, FP mothern methods commodities like the pils etc. Promote community referral activities and community promotion of child nutrition promotion through community GM and rehbilitation of malnourished children. On going documentation of processes and results.
On going monitoring of interventions and evaluation of projects.
I am a media consultant, looking after Information ,Education & communication part of different projects.I have also done Master degree in Journalism.My main job is to develop IEC strategy & create media plans .I also develop focussed IEC material for target audience. Our organization is mainly working on media issues. Right now i am working on a sanitation campaign.
Program Officer (Social Issues)
EngenderHealth, BCO
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Primarily EngenderHealth, Bangladesh Country Office gives technical assistance to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in promoting Permanent and Long-term Family Planning Methods in Bangladesh. My particular responsibility is to ensure BCC and Advocacy works of the office.
Project Director
OPA Clearinghouse, co BETAH Associates
Bethesda, Maryland USA
The OPA Clearinghouse is a clearinghouse for educational materials on family planning, reproductive health, and related topics sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs. We provide materials to Title X grantees and clinics, health care providers, educators, and the general public.
Electronic Dissemination Specialist
Family Health International
Formed in 1971, Family Health International (FHI) is among the largest and most established nonprofit international public health organizations, managing research and field activities in more than 70 countries to meet the public health needs of some of the world's most vulnerable people.
4. New Resources
YouthNet proudly announces the publication of HIV Counseling and Testing for Youth: A Manual for Providers The manual is available online at www.fhi.org/en/Youth/YouthNet/rhtrainmat/vctmanual.htm. To request a printed copy, please send requests to .
For a fascinating brief study on the growth and development of a new NGO, go to http://www.hcpartnership.org/pia/articles/BCCPPIA.pdf. Co-written by BCCP Director and CEO Mohammad Shahjahan, this case study describes how BCCP flourished because of good leadership, strategic partnerships, and a clearly defined mission. BCCP also was able to establish a market niche in a country where few organizations offered evidence-based health communication programs.
Developed in association with the South African Depression and Anxiety Group, Africa's largest mental health charity, to manufacture, market and distribute "Speaking Books" to rural and disadvantaged communities worldwide. For each page there is a corresponding push button that triggers the sound track, read by well-known local personalities, so whatever level literacy, the information will be seen, read, and heard, resulting in a clearly understood message.
Visit the website www.booksofhope.com - or contact Zane M Wilson, Founder, South African Depression and Anxiety Group, +27.11.783.1474, .
5. What Do YOU Need?
Looking for ideas for a campaign?
--Need help with message development?
--Want to get advice from colleagues in other countries/organizations about your communication strategy?
--Need a resource and just can't find it?
Just email Susan Leibtag at HCMN - , and your query will be posted - all responses will be compiled in an easy to read digest.
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