HCMN News - October 21, 2005
In this issue:
- Request from a member - please read!
- Professional Picks - HCMN members invited to be featured on M/MC website
- HEALTH e-COMMUNICATION - a useful resource
- TALC has free CDs available
- USAID's Global Health E-Learning Center
- End Violence Against Women website
- New Members!
REQUEST FROM A MEMBER - Looking for HIV/AIDS information in Tagalog/Filipino
From: Michael Camit, Multicultural Communication--
I am helping prepare information on HIV/AIDS in tagalog/filipino for a brochure for overseas contract workers (leaving the philippines to work abroad). Would appreciate any help/resources references.
Please write to:
PROFESSIONAL PICKS - HCMN members invited to be featured on M/MC website
HCMN invites members to be featured on the M/MC website with their "professional pick." A "professional pick" is an item or campaign that you find especially valuable to share with your colleagues around the world. To see the latest "Pick," go to https://m-mc.org/pp_detail.php?pick_id=5.
Want to be featured? Just send us a digital image of the item(s) you would like featured as well as a digital image of yourself with your biographical information. We will let you know when your "pick" is featured on the M/MC website.
HEALTHeCOMMUNICATION - a useful resource
HEALTHeCOMMUNICATION provides an on-line resource for Health Communication practitioners. The Media/Materials Clearinghouse is a partner in this effort, which has gained a great deal of attention lately. The site is designed to grow and evolve as case studies, planning models, research and evaluation documents, and lectures and speeches are submitted and peer reviewed. It offers an open process that asks people to:
--submit the resources they find most useful
--assess the resources others have submitted
--share ideas on what works and why
--generate an evolving collective perspective around resources, approaches, and trends in Health Communication
Try it out!
CD No. 2. has "How to make Maternal Health Services more Women Friendly" and "A New Atlas of Leprosy"
CD No 4 has "The WHO model Formulary" "Epilepsy a Manual for clinical and medical officers in Africa" and Royal Perth Hospital's "Tutorial to test your skills in the microscopic diagnosis of malaria"
CD No 5 has "Diagnosis and Treatment Guide Lines" A symptom oriented manual for Primary Health Care workers Edited by Carsten Hartmann. A "Paediatric Drug Handbook" from the Buganda Medical Centre, and "Management of Tb in low income countries" by the International Union against Tb.
CD-ROM No 6 "Surgical Care at the district Hospital" from WHO. This CD also has "Introduction to Teaching of Surgical Skills from the Royal College of Surgeons".
To order, e-mail a request to or write to TALC, POB49. St Albans AL1 5TX, UK
The USAID Global Health Bureau announces the new Global Health E-Learning Center. The Center offers a series of health and population e-learning courses that will cover a wide range of public health issues.
Six beginning course offerings are now available:
-Antenatal Care
-Logistics for Health Commodities
-Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage
-Standard Days Method
-Tuberculosis Basics
The e-learning courses will:
-Provide useful and timely continuing education for professionals interested in health and population issues
-Offer state-of-the-art technical content on key public health topics
-Serve as a practical resource for increasing public health knowledge
To access the Global Health E-learning Center and courses, visit the Web site at www.globalhealthlearning.org
It is easy to register and then you can take advantage of the online courses.
This website, managed by the Information for Knowledge and Health (INFO) Project, offers the following:
--New research
--List of Upcoming events
--News group (Email newsletter)
Gauteng Department of Health
Johannesburg, South Africa
I am a graphic artist, working in the area of HIV/AIDS prevention, mobilisation and education. I develop posters, billboards, pamphlets and radio adverts. I interface with media oeganisationS to deepen awareness.
Information Resource Officer
Journalists Against AIDS(JAAIDS)Nigeria
Lagos, Nigeria
Journalists Against AIDS (JAAIDS) Nigeria is a media-based non-governmental organisation in Nigeria working in the field of HIV/AIDS and development. Our mission is to contribute to the prevention, care and control of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria by providing innovative communication interventions that will facilitate positive behavior change to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS.
My Job in JAAIDS.
My job includes editing two regular newsletters-ACCESS ALERT and SPEAKOUT-both publications on HIV/AIDS treatment & care and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination respectively. I also do content development for JAAIDS website, and am also responsible for JAAIDS documentation drive as well as providing guidance for the organizations media projects and activities.I provide support to journalists in developing stories on HIV/AIDS as well as act as an interface between JAAIDS and its stakeholders.
General Secretary
AIDS Prevention Association of Pakistan (A
Lahore, Pakistan
email =
AIDS Prevention Association of Pakistan (APAP) is working on Preventive Health, HIV/AIDS, STIs awareness, Sexuality, Reproductive health, Population Welfare (Family Planning) in Punjab. Distt Kasur in the Red Light area of Pattoki, Distt Okara Red Light area of Okara Punjab. AIDS Prevention Association is working with great courage, determination and commitment despite of financial constraints and limitation and working on totally self-finance basis for eight years. It is registered NGO and the coordinator of Punjab AIDS Consortium (PAC) working under Govt of Pakistan & UNAIDS. APAP is local coordinator 2003-4 of International Candle Light memorial and has affiliation with NATPOW (National Trust for Population Welfare).Member; Pakistan Reproductive Health Network (PRHN).
Assoc. Professor of Media Arts
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina USA
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I recently completed an animated video titled "Key to the Future" for use in Kenya. This work was originally produced as a pictoral book by Johns Hopkins Univ. in 1999. The video was given to the Maendeloe Ya Wanawake Organization for school distribution and broadcast.
Executive Director
Hope for AIDS & LIFE Outreach
Lagos, Nigeria
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Hope for AIDS & LIFE Outreach is a leading Christian faith-based NGO with operations covering the entire country of Nigeria. We serve our communities by educating, motivating and mobilizing them against the spread of the HIV and also work in the feild of care and support. We also operate telephone hotlines/counseling services to the public. We conduct varying levels of training workshops for church leadership on variety of topics as part of our capacity development intervention.
Rutgers Nisso Groep
Utrecht, Netherlands
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Youth Incentives is the International Programme on Sexuality, which has been developed by Rutgers Nisso Groep, the expert centre on sexuality in the Netherlands. Finance is provided by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Youth Incentives benefits from decades of experience in the Netherlands. This country has one of the lowest rates of abortion, teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections in the world. This is a result of the Dutch Approach towards sexuality. Openness about young people's sexuality and access for young people to sexual health services are key factors to these successes. Based on this Dutch Approach, Youth Incentives has developed the RAP-rule and the RAP-tool.
Supervising health program officer
Department of Health
Manila, Philippines
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I am with the research and policy division of our bureau. I assist in the development of national health policies and the formulation of the research agenda. I coordinate closely with partners and networks in policy and research. I am greatly interested in the area of health sector reforms, health systems development, health regulation and knowledge management in health.
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