The Health Communication Materials Network - November 9, 2005
An Activity of the M/MC - Media/Materials Clearinghouse
of the Health Communication Partnership
In this Issue:
- Disaster Relief and Health Communication - Hurricane Mitch, 1998
- Sharing experiences in Disaster Relief
- New materials we've heard about
- Welcome to HCMN's new members
1. Diaster Relief and Health Communication - Hurricane Mitch, 1998 In October 1998 Hurricane Mitch devastated a vast area of Central America , causing a rapid increase in acute diarrheal diseases and respiratory illnesses. In response the Blue Star Water and Sanitation Campaign successfully used mass media, community mobilization, advocacy and educational training to increase the prevalence of appropriate hygiene and water management practices. Many materials were developed for the various creative elements of the campaign. Central pieces included six television spots which can be viewed at the following website:
The spots included these three:
2 . Sharing your disaster relief health communication experiences
Please respond to this email with your stories and examples of materials, and we will share them in the next email.
3. New materials & resources we've heard about:
The Synergy HIV/AIDS Online Resource Center contains 3,863 searchable online documents relevant to HIV/AIDS project management, research, and reproductive health issues. Please click on the links, where available, to view the latest additions to the Synergy Resource Center. For questions or inquiries, please email:
On-line Discussion Forum on the Female Condom The Female Condom: Accelerating Access & Use: Online Discussion Forum, October 26 - November 22, 2005 - The online forum will be held within the Implementing Best Practices (IBP) Electronic Communication System (ECS). This online system is very easy to use, and the web address is .
Audience for this forum: donors, researchers, women's health advocates, program planners, product procurement specialists, and ministry of health officials.
Themes for each week:
Week 3: 9th November - 15 November - New products under development
Week 4: 16th November - 22nd November - Expanding access and use
How to participate:
TO SIGN UP FOR THE ON-LINE DISCUSSION FORUM SEND AN EMAIL TO: with "female condom" in the subject line.
Please include in your e-mail: 1. your given name and surname, 2. the organization where you work, 3. the country where you work.You will become a member of the ECS "Global Community" and the "Female Condom" community.—
Workshop: Communicating with Policymakers about Population and Health The East-West Center's 37th annual Summer Seminar on Population from May 30-June 29, 2006 at the East West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. There are three independent but concurrent workshops:
- Communicating with Policymakers about Population and Health (Coordinators: Sidney Westley and Phyllis Piotrow)
- From Analysis to Action: Advocating for Effective HIV Responses (Coordinators: Tim Brown, Dimitri Prybylski, Chris Ward, Wiwat Peerapatanapokin)
- Livable Cities in Pacific Asia: Research Methods for Policy Analysis (Coordinators: Peter Xenos and Michael Douglass)
Application Deadline: December 31, 2005
Who Should Apply: The workshop is designed for researchers, program managers, and other professionals working in the health arena. Participants should have previous computer experience and be fluent in English. They should bring project data or research results from their own work that can be used to address a policy problem.
To apply: Go to and submit by December 31, 2005. Email:
4. Welcome to HCMN! HCMN now has over 600 members. Here are several who have recently joined:
Ian Mashingaidze
Country Programme Manager
ActionAid International (Zimbabwe)
Harare, Zimbabwe
email =
ActionAid International is supporting the national response to the impact of HIV and AIDS on poor and vulnerable communities in Zimbabwe through work around advocating for women's rights, food rights and access to quality care and comprehensive treatment for people living with HIV and AIDS.
Paula van den Boogaart
Program Manager
European Commission
Jambi, Indonesia
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Working in strengthening the capacity of MoH at district level, including managerial, health promotion and clinical capacity building
Dr.C.Satish Babu Executive Secretary
Global Vision (India)
Secunderabad, India
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Global Vision is a small grass root NGO working since 1990 and got registered with government in the year 1999. We are looking for printed resources for our resource centre and also grants for our activities.
Jennifer Tymon
Program Assistant
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organ
Alexandria, VA
email =
Our organization focuses on improving hospice and palliative care both domestically and internationally. Globally, we advocate for more awareness of palliative care, an increase in its provision and the proper legislation to fund it and provide the necessary medicines, such as analgesics, to administer it properly.
Duane Crumb
Executive Director
Institute for HIV/AIDS Hope International
Fort Myers, Florida
email =
We work with nationals throughout the developing world to help them be effective in HIV prevention education and assisting those who are infected with the virus.
Marydean Purves
CAR Program Director
Project HOPE
Almaty, Kazakhstan
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Project HOPE in Central Asian Republics is the prime on 2 large USAID-funded health projects - TB Control Partnership and Healthy Family Maternal and Child Health program. In addition, Project HOPE manages 2 Child Survival projects in rural communities of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Clare Nkwanga-Jolly
Resource Centre Librarian
Zambia Centre for Communication Programmes
Lusaka, Zambia
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ZCCP's mission satement is to empower Zambians through information, education and communication (IEC) in order to improve their health status and general well being for a better quality of life. We are in the process of setting up a resource centre aimed at providing as much up to date information on health and related issues to health and media professionals, youth, school children and the general public.
Anna Woolhouse
Family Planning Association of New Zealand
Wellington, New Zealand
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I work at FPANZ National Office currently as Policy Coordinator having been Librarian/researcher for 4 years previously. FPA is a not-for-profit provider of sexual and reproductive health services. We operate 29 clinical centres, 32 school-linked clinics and 13 education units nationwide. I co-ordinate internal policy, external submissions to govt and other bodies.
Ana Taukapa Kavaefiafi
Prinicipal Of Nursing School
Ministry Of Health
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
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The Ministry of Health is resoponsible for the health of the people of Tonga. I am responsible for the run of the only nursing school in the Kingdom. I work as the adminstrator of the school as well as teaching community health subjects including obstetrics, reproductive health, and other related subjects. I also direct and write scripts and aired a distance education programme, half an hour on radio for the nurses of Tonga, once a week.
Asha Mohamud
Harare, Zimbabwe
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I serve as a technical advisor for UNFPA's adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs including HIV/AIDS prevention and prevention of gener based violence in the Africa Region especially in the Southern Region. In the past 5 years, I have been working with a partnership project called the African Youth Alliance (Uganda, Ghana, Botswana and Tanzania) as regional Director for the BCC component and later as the technical advisor for the policy and advocacy component. The project focused on scaling up ASRH programs in the four countries. My current role to provide guidance to the national level programming on ASRH and HIV prevention in the Southern African Countries.
Jacob Kahemele
Program Officer
Family Health International
Dar es salaam, Tanzania
email =
FHI youthnet Tanzania engages in Sexual Reproductive health and HIV prevention programs for youth ages 14-24 in Tanzania. It collaborates with the government, Faith Base Institutions and other non-for profit non-governmental organizations in impplemntingits programs. FHI also takes a role of promoting youth-adult partnership and coordination of yout programs in the country among other.
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