The Health Communication Materials Network - December 23, 2005
An Activity of the M/MC - Media/Materials Clearinghouse
of the Health Communication Partnership
In this issue:
- Ask HCMN
- HCMN'ers' Favorite Tools
- Upload your materials into the M/MC health communication materials database!
- New members
1. Ask HCMN
Marcos Menses writes: Dear Friends: I am teaching a clourse in HEALTH EDUCATION AND PROMOTION at the local community college. If you have materials, or experiences that you want to share with me to pass to my students I will appreciate. Thanks
Marcos Menses,
Visit my Webpage at:
2. HCMN'ers Favorite Tools
Alison Sparks writes:
I work with bereaved children. I like to use the continuing bonds model by Klauss Silverman and Nickman. Often we will do artwork around what characterstics have been passed on by their parent who has died. It may be a portrait or an abstract collection of things. Often very powerful and connecting.
3. Upload your materials DIRECTLY into the M/MC health communication materials database!
Now you can add your materials directly into the Media/Materials Clearinghouse's Health Communication Materials Database - just go to the "Share Your Materials" page, register (free) and upload your materials wtih all the information you can share about each item.
4. Welcome to HCMN! New Members
The Communication Initiative
Victoria, Canada
email =
We summarise and share communication information from across a range of development areas and support a network of over 60,000 people working in or interested in development communication around the world.
Health Programs Officer
Food for the Hungry
Washington, DC
email =
I am helping to manage FH's HIV/AIDS grants which consist of Home Based Care, prevention, and OVC care. FH is a faith-based organization operating (for HIV/AIDS) mostly in Africa and we are also the lead agency on a PEPFAR grant for youth prevention.
Audio Video Producer/ Programme Officer
Information Education Communication Bureau
Thimphu, Bhutan
email =
We are in the field of communication, Information and educating the general population for the better health, we designproduce all sorts of IEC materials both on print and Audio Visual, I would like to share some of our materials to other user around the glove in future,
Executive Director
Community Health Dev. & Environ. (CHEDEMI)
Lagos, Nigeria
email =
CHEDEMI is involved in the provision of information and education on environmental and health issues including reproductive health rights and HIV/AIDS/STIs. While also conducting social research, impact mitigation, care & support, counselling, advocacy,case management and training.
Nairobi, Kenya
email =
I am a specialist in Content Design, Development and Dissemination via ICT-supported networks.
Pennsylvania State University
University Park
email =
I am currently an undergraduate student at Penn State University and am planning to pursue a masters degree in health communication beginning in the fall of 20069.
VSS Medical College
Burla, India
email =
I am working as an assistant professor in community medicine. I am the editor of "JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE"(ISSN 0973-2454).
Defence against AIDS
Accra, Ghana
email =
This organization deals with orphans and the disadvantated in our communities .This involves victims of various calamities including:hiv /aids, truamatised children and women,etc. I usually do the cordination; thus liasing grassroot to service providers.
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