HCMN News - February 22, 2006
- New! Ideabooks from the M/MC
- Live webcast Video conference on Improving Client-Provider Interaction
- New publications you might find useful in your work
- Need photographs for your work? Try Photoshare - it's free!
- Website "Lives in Focus"
- Information on Avian Flu Health Communication
- Welcome new members!
New! Ideaboks from the M/MC
The Media/Materials Clearinghouse has developed the first in what will be a large series of "Ideabooks" for those of you working in developing health communication materials. The Ideabooks are actually web pages on specific health issues, showing a few examples of materials on each.. This is an easy way to access ideas and inspiration for your own work. So far, there are Ideabooks on Abstinence, Malaria, and Partner Communication. Go to http://www.hcpartnership.org/Publications/Ideabooks/ to access the entire collection.
Live Webcast of Video conference Linking Accra, Nairobi, Geneva, Baltimore on the topic of Improving Client-Provider Interaction - March 1
This conference, on Improving Client-Provider Interaction: Responding to Clients' FP Needs in HIV/AIDS Service Settings, is being sponsored by the Health Communication Partnership (HCP), the Information and Knowledge for Health (INFO) Project, in conjunction with WHO, USAID and the Population Council. It will be held next week, March 1, 9:30-11:30 am EST with live participation from Geneva, Accra, Nairobi and Baltimore. The conference can be viewed LIVE on the web! Go to http://www.jhuccp.org/cpconference/
Resources for FP/HIV Integration can be found at: http://www.fpandhiv.org
Resources specific to this meeting can be found at: http://www.fpandhiv.org/videoconference/cpieventpage.php
New publications you might find useful in your work:
- CBO/FBO Capacity Analysis: A Toolkit for Assessing and Building Capacities for High Quality Responses to HIV/AIDS - This publication was developed by the CORE Initiative to enable community and faith based organisations to analyse levels of capacity in different areas of organisational and technical work. It is based on an existing toolkit for NGOs developed by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (the NGO Capacity Analysis Toolkit ) and on a design developed by Geoff Foster, of Family AIDS Caring Trust in Zimbabwe. It was further developed with contributions from staff at ANCS in Senegal, the Alliance in the Caribbean, CARE Rwanda and Uganda, Thai National AIDS Foundation and various CORE Initiative and Alliance staff. The toolkit was published in December 2005. http://www.aidsalliance.org/sw31738.asp
- "Participatory Communication Strategy Design: A Handbook" 2nd edition
Summary: "Over the past thirty years FAO has field-tested successful Communication for Development approaches and methods for sharing information and knowledge and promoting development action, using participatory message design and the combined integrated use ...
- Country Profiles for Population and Reproductive Health: Policy Development and Indicators 2005
This report entitled, Country Profiles for Population and Reproductive Health: Policy Development and Indicators 2005, covers the areas of socioeconomic health, adolescent reproductive health, gender equality and reproductive health commodity security.
Need photographs for your work? Try Photoshare! Photoshare is a service of The INFO (Information and Knowledge for Health) Project helping international non-profits communicate health and development issues through photography. You are welcome to browse the Photoshare collection, request images for non-profit educational use, and learn more about development photography. The online photo database currently contains more than 10,000 cataloged images shared by colleagues around the world for documentary use. http://www.photoshare.org
New website: "Lives in Focus" - This website ( http://www.livesinfocus.org/ ), is documenting the lives of
Indians affected by the AIDS epidemic and the challenges that stigmatized AIDS patients face in India. The website also interviews activists and doctors struggling to fight the epidemic. The project uses video, audio and photographs to present the voices of those who are rarely given space or time in traditional news media.
Information on Avian Flu health communication
Given the special circumstances of the sudden occurrence of Avian Flu, The Communication Initiative has developed a list of core messages, examples of communication actions, strategies to be considered, guidance notes, resources and trends to assist communicators and journalists in addressing prevention and outbreak communication. See http://www.comminit.com/avianinfluenza.html for a full listing.
Welcome to HCMN!
Abiy Seifu
Master of Public Health, Candidate
Addis Ababa University
Addis Ababa
email =
I have been working as a project officer at regional HIV/AIDS prevention and control office
Ron Lentz
Technology Director
Calgary, Canada
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The Centre For Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST) is a not for profit organization offering training, facilitation, networking and consulting to support development organizations working to assist the world's poor. Our primary focus is on household water treatment. ( www.cawst.org )
Anil Purohit
AIDS Specialist
Harvard Institutes of Medicine
Boston, MA
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Establishing training and communication program on HIV/AIDS/Infectious diseases, reproductive medicine for clinicians and allied health care workers and counselors and social workers in Pacific Countries.
Maggie Canvin
Bamako, Mali
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I am Literacy Coordinator for SIL-Mali. We are involved in literacy and book production in Malian languages.
Larry Laufman, EdD
Assistant Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas
United States
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I am involved in health and medical education, program development and evaluation
Lisa Folda
Program Assistant II
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs Baltimore, Maryland USA email =
The two projects with which I am currently involved are an HIV/AIDS prevention program in Malawi -- BRIDGE. This includes radio, youth, and mass media components. Ku Saurara! in northern Nigeria, is a program built around a successful radio show that includes messages on safe motherhood, ARH, PAC, and FP. It actively involves clinical partners to improve the quality of services through IPC training as well.
Giannina Richeda
University of Brescia / Ethiopian Ministry
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
email =
I am a consultant and technical advisor in advocacy, communication, and social mobilization in TB, leprosy and TV'HIV prevention and control.
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