HCMN News – August 16, 2006
B I R T H S P A C I N G ! !
The Health Communication Partnership is planning a new website devoted to the issue of Birth Spacing. We would like to HIGHLIGHT materials and campaigns submitted by HCMN members.
Please send birth spacing materials, information, reports, publications, and stories to Susan Leibtag, . Thank you!
- “In the Spotlight” – Campaign from Russia to encourage communication
- Showcase your materials in the “Golden Toolbox”
- HCMN member searching for materials on TB and TB/HIV co-infection
- HCMN member searching for materials for marketing female condoms
- New Resources for Family Planning and HIV/AIDS Integration
- CHILD2015: Child Healthcare Information and Learning Discussion group
- Welcome to HCMN!
The main goal of the Healthy Russia project’s communication campaign “Hear Each Other!” was to draw men and women’s attention to reproductive health and to motivate them to discuss different aspects of this issue with each other and with specialists.
Showcase your materials in the M/MC “Golden Toolbox”!!!
The Media/Materials Clearinghouse welcomes health communication professionals to submit materials for inclusion in its “Golden Toolbox.” . Materials accepted for the Golden Toolbox will be shared via specialized emails and other outreach materials.
In order to qualify for inclusion in the Golden Toolbox, the following is needed:
- Digital version of the material (preferably all of the materials from a campaign) – highest resolution possible
- Synopsis of the formative research which led to the material design and development
- Synopsis of the results of pretesting of the materials
- Synopsis of the campaign which the materials were developed for
- Synopsis of the impact evaluation of the materials/campaign
Please email all of this information to: Hugh Rigby, Chief, Media/Materials Clearinghouse at
HCMN member searching for materials on TB and TB/HIV co-infection
Cecilia Moya, Program Associate at University Research Co., LLC in Bethesda, Maryland is looking to access advocacy and educational materials on TB and TB/HIV co-infection. If you can help, please contact her directly at .
HCMN member searching for materials for marketing female condoms
Dharma Rao of the Regional Resource Center (RRC) of HLFPPT in India is starting a social marketing project for female condoms. He is in the process of collecting the available resources on female condoms and social marketing of condoms. He requests that members kindly send hard copies, soft copies, flip chart, posters and other IEC materials for their reference.
Here is the contact information:
Regional Resource Center (RRC)
HLFPPT, 3-5-816 Veena Dhari Complex
2nd Floor, King Koti Road,
Hyderguda, Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh
www.hlfppt.org , Email:
New Resources for Family Planning and HIV/AIDS Integration, www.fpandhiv.org
This site includes over 400 expert-selected resources, many of which can be downloaded as full text or ordered. The site can be accessed for free and no longer requires a password log-on.
What You Will Find
- The latest research and evidence-based approaches to FP and HIV/AIDS integration
- Materials documenting actual field program experiences with FP and HIV integration, including contact information for ordering
- Practical tools for integrated service delivery that can be adapted to various settings
- Featured Web sites, publications, and other new and emerging integration resources
- FP and HIV integration meetings, presentations, and conference highlights
CHILD2015: Child Healthcare Information and Learning Discussion group
CHILD2015 is a new global email discussion group on the information and learning needs of child health workers in developing countries. The main focus is at the local level: households and communities, primary health workers, and health professionals working in district hospital facilities. It is open to anyone with an interest in improving child healthcare in developing countries and membership is free. Join today by sending an email to with your name, organization, and a brief description of your professional interests.
Welcome to HCMN!
Here is a selection of the newest members of HCMN
Dr. Chandrakant Lahariya
IAPSM Youth Committee
New Delhi, India
Email =
IAPSM Youth Committee is a special committee of India's largest network of Doctors trained in Public health which is known as Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM). The youth committee is a platform to expose the young blood in this field to the best training and learning opportunities. This committee is also a strong platform to air the opinion of these members to the IAPSM and decision makers.
Manoj Das
MAMTA-Health Institute for Mother & Child
New Delhi, India
email =
We work on young people's sexual and reproductive health and rights issue, maternal and child health. HIV/AIDS cuts across all issues. We are also involved in developing effective BCC strategies on HIV/AIDS. We support grassroots NGOs in the country and support a national network towards addressing the issues.
Faiz Ahmed
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email =
We work on scaling up of zinc treatment for young children (under 5) of Bangladesh with diarrhoea.
Paul Rosenthal
Director Outreach
Health Dialog
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Development of disease management materials for Medicare
Mahwish Shaukat
University Student
Dept. Of Sociology, Uni. of the Punjab
Lahore, Pakistan
Email =
I'm a student in MA. Sociology (majors in Health & Illness). I'm currently carrying out a research on the Eating Practices among Adolescent Girls & its effects on their health. I am also exploring issues related to social determinants of health in under-developed countries
Annibal Coelho de Amorim
Physician and Psychologist
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Email =
I am currently working with persons with developmental disabilities and or mental illness.
Inalegwu Frank Uji
Society for Life and Human Development
Otukpo, Nigeria
email =
I work in capacity building for youth and vulnerable groups, HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention, community mobilization.
Dr. Taiwo Gabriel Ojuope
Samakin Hospital and Maternity Centre
Lagos, Nigeria
Email =
We work on treatment of surgical, medial, paediatrics, orthopaedics, psychiatry, OB and GYN, ENT patients and also in disease prevention.
Laston Mteka Banda
Advocacy / IEC Officer
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Lilongwe, Malawi
Email =
I work on coordinating the development, implementation and monitoring of health related IEC/advocacy, research and population policy/programme activities in Malawi.
Nirupama Sarma
Media and Communications Consultant
Bangalore, India
email =
I am an India-based communications consultant focused on strategy and materials development, qualitative research and evaluation, and media advocacy. I've worked in the field of reproductive health and HIV prevention both with general and vulnerable populations such as MSM, IDUs and female sex workers.
Rachel Kachur
Behavioral Scientist
Northrop Grumman/CDC
Atlanta, George, USA
Email =
I work in the prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
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