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English Title: Vitamin A - for a healthy body and good eyesight : Ask for vitamin A at your health centre. "It helps prevent and treat diarrhoea, measles and malnutrition"
Series Title: | Vitamin A for Good Health |
Media Format: Poster
Date: 1999
Country: Zambia
Subjects: Eyesight, JHU/PCS, Vitamins and Minerals, Child Health
Audience: Parents
Languages: English
Description: 60 x 42 cm. poster. Close-up color photo of a smiling girl.
Producers: Zambia Central Board of Health, Zambia National Food and Nutrition Commission, USAID
Contact: Zambia Integrated Health Programme (ZIHP)
Red Cross House, Los Angeles Blvd., Long Acres
Lusaka, Zambia

Phone: 260-1-254552
Notes: For additional information on this poster, contact the JHU/PCS Africa Division, 111 Market Place, Suite 310, Baltimore, MD 21202. Tel: ; Fax: ; Web:

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The Health Communication Partnership

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs in partnership with
Academy for Educational Development " Save the Children " The International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine


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